Chapter 56: Taurus

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I almost cried at the sight of the statue. How the hell did it get there? Why did the stupid prince have a statue of Hercules?

Virgo saw me struggling and came over to comfort me. She put an arm around me and I gave her a hug.

"Calm down, Taurus, it'll be alright," she whispered.

"I don't understand why they would have a statue of him. It reminds me of such painful memories."

"It gives us all painful memories," Leo said. "Wonder what the old man wants with this."

"Why don't you ask him?" A familiar voice said. We all turned to see the old man walking towards us. He looked exactly the same as last time. 

"Okay, I will. What the hell do you want with a statue of my deceased friend?!" Rose asked angrily, approaching him. She looked pissed, but Eran kept his distance.

"Our friend," Capricorn corrected her. 

"Sure he was. You guys are the reason he died!"

"We couldn't of done anything!" Aquarius said, leading to Cap's defence, which was unexpected.

"You could have done your job and - "

"Rose, enough," the old man spoke. "What's done is done. You were asking about what I was going to do with the statue? I will show you." In his outstretched hand, a golden ball of light formed. We all stood there, looking at it, mesmerised.

That mesmerisation disappeared when he blew up the statue with the ball of light. 

"What the hell?!" I shrieked.

"I don't see the point in that also," Eran said, in his usual tone of voice. "Why ask for a statue, to just destroy it yourself. The Zodiacs could have done it for you. They certainly have a knack for it."

"Aw, thanks Eran, didn't know you cared," Leo said, smiling jokingly at him. 

"I don't. I was merely commentating."

"Sure you were," Sag said, rolling her eyes. "People who don't care usually don't go into that much detail."

"It wasn't that much - "

"Save it buddy," Aries said. "There's no point arguing with the Fire Signs. We always win!"

"Yeah! Fire Signs for life!" Leo yelled.

"Woo!!" Sag yelled, laughing along with Leo.

Suddenly, a white light appeared where the statue had been. It was like a beam of pure white light descended from heaven itself. 

From the white light, a set of stairs appeared. I was scared for a moment. They were like a stairway to heaven and I didn't know who'd be entering. 

To my surprise, and delight, a figure I hadn't seen in a long time appeared. We all stared as he walked down, now donning white and gold armour, his face lit up like an angels.

"I-is that y-you?" Rose asked, falling down on her knees. He didn't reply, but instead, walked over to the old man.

"Is he an angel?" Scorpio asked. "If he is, then that completely sucks - I always liked demons more."

"Shut up, Scorpio," Sag said, punching him lightly on the arm. 

"Lord Odin," the figure said, kneeling down. The old man looked at us and grinned, while we stood shell-shocked. This old geezer was Odin? Like, the Odin that was supposed to be a god?

He looked like a senile old man!

As soon as I thought that, he changed. His golden amour returned, his scraggy look dissappeared and he looked powerful and intimidating, he grew to the size of Leo, but gained huge muscle mass and an eyepatch appeared over his right eye. 

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