Chapter 45: Cancer

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We all quickly followed Leo back to Leroy. I felt pretty sorry as we had to leave Scorpio behind, but he chose his path and now we had to chosen ours.

When Taurus first saw Leroy, she looked at him in shock, while the Griffin stood proudly (as Griffins do).

"Where did you find this...thing?" She asked awkwardly. I laughed.

"Pisces managed to somehow control it while it tried to kill me and allow Sag to awaken Holy Spirit."

"Oh, the thing the advisors or whatever briefly discussed with you lot? Pretty impressive."

"I was in it for two minutes, before Pisces came. I think I would a won," Sag cheekily smiled, looking at Leroy's direction.

He licked her.

"Leroy! Why'd you do that for?!" The Griffin did something resembling laughter.

"Maybe next time you won't take the piss outta him. C'mon, Leroy, let's fly!"

That's when I noticed.

His wings were sagging, his eyes droopy, his legs were shaky. Leroy looked seriously tired.

"Maybe he needs a rest," I nervously said. I preferred to stay quiet normally, but Leroy looked in really bad shape.

Well, he had met us.

Leo patted the Griffins the head. "C'mon boy, we need you. But, if you need the rest, take it. If these bastards try to force you to fly, lemme know and we will kick the crap outta them."

The Griffin shook it's head, and instead of lying down, stood taller than before, raising it's head.

"Woah, calm down big guy," Aqua laughed as it spread it's wing and gave a tremendous squack.

I took Sag's hand and we both quickly climbed up its left wing and sat on the middle of Leroy's back.

His feathers had like a static energy that pulled humans close to it so they didn't fall off. It wasn't particularly strong and us two sitting in the middle would allow us most movement because the energy was stronger there and so we didn't need to be holding on as tight as the others.

They were also the best seats in the house.

"First dibs, bitches," Sag laughed. The others groaned, except Leo. He sat on Leroy's head anyway.

"Let's FLY!" Aries yelled happily. He jumped onto Leroy's back and the others soon followed.

With a might flap of his wings, we were soon soaring in the air. We were going higher and higher and the rush of the wind actually fuelled my adrenaline because we were going that fast.

Even Mizu was having a lot of fun.

The only thing that actually concerned me was Scorpio. Leo was certain he'd come to us and help...but how would he know where we were? How would he even get there for that matter? Leo spoke about him so positively, it was hard to think about all the variables.

Sag must have noticed, because as we levelled out, she began to speak.

"What's up?" She asked, gently taking my hand.

"Nothing major," I replied, trying to lie to her, which was so not what a good boyfriend should do.

"C'mon, you can tell me," she goaded, moving closer to me, her hand stroking various parts of my body more intimately each time.

"I said nothings up," I said, as she practically sat on my lap.

"I know you mean that in a literal sense."

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