Chapter 11: Libra

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Wha the hell happened to Leo! I got out of the hiding place and stood face to face with the others. "Leo, what the hell happened?" I gasped. He wore no shirt, just his neck bandana and had a black bandage tied around his stomach.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Leo shrugged. He needed to stop acting so hard and tell me! It looked serious. Cap didn't look to good either, with scars and cuts, not to mention he looked like he had completely failed at something. What had happened? If they weren't gonna tell me, I would find out.

"Leave him Libra. The 'no worries' Leo was talking about was just him risking his life to save Cap. If they had both died..." Sag broke down. Pisces ran and comforted her. We slowly realised that Leo and Cap had a chance of not being here. They could have died on the journey.

"How? Leo, are you okay? Did you punch another behemoth? We seriously need to get you checked up," Gemini said, tears in her eye. Cap slowly explained it to us - how he messed up, how Leo saved him. Leo, risking his life twice in one day! He was loved by girls and if he ever died, doing hero stuff, he would be severely missed.

"Forget me, we need to find Aries!" He said. "Where is he?" Leo questioned us.

"Sorry, Leo, we don't know. After Scorpio told him the side-mission, he quickly got to work and cut off the connection," said Pisces, speaking up. I took a deep breath and said,"Leo he'll be fine, after all, you were his teacher. If he's anything like you he'll find a way," I said, trying to comfort him.

"Guys, you were lucky to make it here anyway. You're lucky I paid that guy to run in," Scorpio said.

"What? You paid that man to humiliate himself on national television, not to mention getting punished by the duke?" Virgo had a face of fury. I thought she'd explode.

"Hey, without Scorpio, you wouldn't have made it here, so calm down Virgo!" Aquarius butted in. I had to keep everyone friends. What do I say? I had it.

"Guys, stop fighting. Kicking off between ourselves will just get us caught. We're halfway through the mission, we might as well see it through. To the end," I concluded. One by one the others nodded. "Glad we're on the same page. Everyone here has made a couple mistakes, but right now, let's focus on finding Aries," I stated.

"Yeah, I'll go along with Sag and Scorpio. I know all his tricks and I'm quite stealthy. Sag, you're cute and seductive, so you can convince people to do what we need. Libra, you'd also be a help, but threes a maximum for this. I need Scorpio," Leo finished slowly. He looked down. "Scorpio, you're easily the cleverest of the Zodiac when it comes manipulating and lying. We'll need you to blend in and find information. Will you please help us?" I looked at Scorpio. I thought he'd try to one up Leo. I was surprised when he agreed.

"Now, what to the rest of us do?" Taurus asked. "If I'm allowed, I'd like to get some food," she said which made us all laugh. Our laughter was cut short when someone opened the door. Aries had come back! Not to mention, he brought suits and dresses for us. He was in a chef costume and had flour all over him. "Hey, what'd I miss?" He asked as he walked in.

"We all ran towards him and gave him hugs. I joined in, not caring about all the flour that was going to be in my hair. We nearly knocked him down, though he managed to stay on his feet. Sag and Gem also gave him kisses on the cheeks, much to the chagrin of Cancer and Pisces. I do my research :).

"Calm down," Aries started.

"We thought you were going to die!" Gemini said and hugged her soon to be husband harder.

"Geez, where's the belief? Holy shit Leo, what the hell happened to you?"

"Long story, but the real one has to be how the fuck did you survive?" Leo asked him, giving a fist bump.

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