Chapter 30: Sagittarius

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I was laughing with Pisces, then I saw Taurus and Aqua teleport in with a unconscious Cap in their arms. Naturally, I instantly stopped laughing and approached them.

"What the hell happened?!" I asked, reaching my friends. They saw me and had a look of surprise on their face. Well, it had been a year since they last saw me.

"Sag! You're here!" Aqua said, letting go of Cap and hugging me.

"How about Cap?" I asked, pointing at Taurus, who could barely hold onto him. They all looked pretty drained of energy, and Cap even had some dried blood on his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll help," Pisces said, helping Taurus picking him up.

"Thanks for the help Pisces," Taurus graciously thanked him. I could have helped too, if Aqua wasn't still hugging me, I thought moodily. Nevertheless, I still put a smile on my face.

"No problem," he smiled at her. "How did you guys get here?"

"Well, let's get Cap some help, before we explain anything. Speaking of which, are the others here as well?" Her voice and eyes told me she dearly wanted them to be here.

"Yeah, they are," I replied, to which she looked relieved. "Now, Aqua, how about letting me go?" Aqua let go, but I sensed she was reluctant. She blushed and nodded.

"Yeah, no problem! Now, where are the others?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well, if you guys would just follow me," I said, turning my back and motioning forwards with my two fingers. I started to walk, with the four of them following me (does Cap count?). I started to lead them to the town of Haven.

We walked on a small road, suited for the hooves of horses and the feet of merchants wanting to sell their exquisite clothing and expensive goods.

On our left, we saw various mountains, with woodland between us and them. To get to the mountains, there was a path on the other side of Haven that led you there, though it was a day's trek. Going through the woodland on this side was fare more dangerous but faster. It was also closer this way to get to our other destination.

On our right was a few hills and another path that led you to a massive lake, that separated this part of Yami, to another part of it across the lake. Although it was quicker going across, no one ever did. It was far too treacherous, even though you could make out Darkmoon Tower across it, albeit it was surrounded by fog.

Many preferred to take the far longer route of going up to Silverwind Chapel, then making a right at Kage, to go down to the tower, with bandits, people with bizarre powers, (Sorcerers) and abnormal and destructive creatures (these I didn't know of).

Oh wait, here's something that I forgot to mention - barely anyone went to the tower. Haha, apparently it contained something that killed anything that came into its quarters. Though, there was a great treasure if you beat the beast, which no one ever did.

But forget all that, let's get back to us. I led them into Haven, a cheerful and happy place compared to some of the other places that I've seen on this forsaken country. We walked into the city and were greeted by the two guards - Zev and Khen.

"Hey Sag," Zev greeted me. He was quite skinny, but had that nice and cocky grin that set him apart from the rest. He also was very skilful with a dagger.

"Hey guys, don't mind us, we're just walking through."

"Are you sure you guys don't need any help with him?" Khen asked, raising a eyebrow. I shook my head.

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