Chapter 9: Capricorn

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I didn't trust Aries. He was too cocky. So, I was sure he would die. So, when he survived, I cheered the second loudest. Guess who was louder? If you guessed Leo, congratulations, your right. I'd give you a A* on the test if I was the teacher. If you didn't guess him, well, no offence but I think you need to go over everyone's personalities...

Anyway, I was happy Aries survived. While he was doing his own thing on the dome shaped stupid Marriage Hall, we were here, trying to make parachutes as fast as possible, so we could provide support. "How you guys doing?" Aries asked.

"Just fine brother," Leo replied. "How long till the distraction, eh, Scorpio. Your not holding out on us are you?"

"Shut up. We're nearly done. Give us about ten minutes," he replied.

"Okay. I gotcha. We'll be done in the same amount of time."

"We'd be done a lot faster, if you don't just stand there and talk," I said.

"Oooh, he got you good Leo!" Libra laughed.

"Calm down, we all know I'm the king of dissing! But, I'm more of a technician or comeback artist."

"Yeah right," said Virgo. I looked over at her and she winked. Huh, that was nice to have back up.

"Yeah, okay. What's your great idea Scorpio?" Leo asked.

"It's a surprise, so don't ask," he replied.

"Yeah, you'll find out soon enough!" Chimed in Gemini. "Where's Aries? I can't see him on your roof."

"Wait, where are you guys?" Sag asked, looking around. "I don't even know."

A light shined and we saw they were in a back street. "Well, if you look on the Marriage Hall, Aries is over there." They looked. The Marriage Hall, was shaped strangely. It was like a square building, with a roof of a dome, giving it a weird look, as all the parts the dome didn't cover on the roof, was replaced with bland concrete. Aries was on the concrete, and was managing to stay out of sight.

"Hi," he said. We all cracked up. I don't know why, but the realisation of it all hit us. We were trying to steal a Priest, so two of our friends could get married for a month, not to mention they were only 17. On top of that, the groom used grappling hooks and jumped from one building to another. Some were trying to make parachutes to back him up. The others were providing ground support and distractions so this plan worked. That was just plain weird.

"Where's Aqua and Cancer?" I asked, trying to spark a conversation.

"They can't answer. They're doing their own thing."

"Ooh. Pretty sexual, the way you said it Scorpio. What are they doing specifically?" Sag asked him, with the voice of a girl who found out two of her friends were screwing.

"Specifically, they're distracting anyone away from the back street, so we can back you up," replied Libra. "I know what your thinking Sag. How boring. I agree, but I don't know who they match up perfectly with - I simply can't decide."

"Calm down, you two. It's not LoveLine or some other bullshit!" Scorpio said.

"For once, I agree," laughed Leo.

"You know I got your back, bro!" Joined in Aries. "Now, can you guys hurry? I'm watching this stupid wedding and I think I saw one of the workers with spare suits and dresses. If I can get them, we'll blend in easier. Not to mention, there's so much food and hot girls."

"Can I go?! Please, I promise I'll be good! I want food!!!" We laughed. Same old Taurus. Wanting food.

"Not to mention, hot girls! Aries, make sure you save me a brunette. I'll do her after Sag." Scorpio. What a creep, thinking about fucking girls at a time like this. But, I just had lost my virginity to Virgo so I'd cut him some slack this time. It was a good thing it was dark though - the others would have seen me blush.

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