Chapter 50(!!!): Scorpio

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"Now that we're out, what the hell do we do?" Cancer asked, as we all came together.

Leo scoffed. "What do you think? We save the damn world!"

"Exactly how?" Virgo asked. "We don't have the Sword of Ragnarok and Talaanz could be anywhere within this place!"

Leo paused. 'Amateur,' I thought. "What we've gotta do is split up," I said. "Half us to find the sword and the other half to distract Talaanz."

That's when I noticed. They were all staring at me. I gave a nervous cough.

"So, you're back," Taurus mused. "I didn't think you'd be back, Scorpio. Fortunately, you proved me wrong."

"You proved me right," Leo said, giving a beaming smile, raising his hand. They all rolled their eyes at him and he looked down. "Yeah I know, 'Shut up Leo.'"

We all laughed.

"But anyways," I said, taking a deep breath, "Guys, I'm sorry!" I also looked at the floor, my fists clenched. "I shouldn't have acted like a little bitch. Let me fight Talaanz with you...please..."

They all laughed. WHAT THE FUCK?! Do my feelings mean that little to them -

"We always knew you'd come back. And we'd always welcome you back," Aquarius said. They all smiled at me, while I stood in a fit of rage.

"How dare you make me apologise - "

"Technically, you didn't apologise," Capricorn laughed.

"Oh shut up," I replied quickly. "How dare you disregard me like that! The Prince of the Zodiacs isn't to be made a mockery of!" I yelled, while they kept laughing. In the end I became quiet and started saying my insults in a lower tone..."stupid good for nothing losers..."

Hurting my feelings like that? Revenge was gonna be so sweet!

After they all stopped laughing at me, Virgo began to speak. I had the feeling she was still uneasy around me. (She should - I could become dangerous at any moment!) After all, she had betrayed me in a big way and guilt was probably wracking her mind as she spoke.

Which was good, don't get me wrong, but I felt like I should make sure she stops worring about me after this whole Talaanz crap. Wouldn't want her to be watching her own back for the rest of her life, would we?

"So, I think that we should split up 7 and 7. Scorpio can lead one team to the Sword, if he knows where it is..."

"Hang on," I said, shaking my head. "You said 7 and 7. There should be 13. Who's...oh," was all I could muster after seeing the hot blonde babe stood next to Aries.

She was the type of girl you banged and then bragged about. Yeah, that's how good she was.

Still, she had nothing on Virgo...

"Who's that?" I questioned, while she smiled and waved.

"She's Chauntelle," the blonde girl said. I gave a confused look and she laughed. "He seems nice," she smiled, looking at Aries.

"Thanks?" I said it more like a question than an actual thanks. 'Where'd they find this crazy person?' I thought to myself.

"Well anyways, lets make a plan of attack. We don't have the luxury of time," Cap said.

"You know where the Sword is then, Scorpio?" Virgo looked at me. You could tell in her eyes that she was afraid I would snap. Afraid I would do something to her. I clenched my fist, wishing I could tell her that I was willing to give her another chance. That I still loved her.

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