Chapter 13: Leo

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I tried to model Virgo's carriage after the one in the picture! Just imagine doors at the front too, not to mention the horses. This heist would be screwed without the horses....
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Peace out

Hey guys, me again. Don't worry about me going twice, we're just going back round.

So, we just got out of the carriage. We needed a way to get to Scorpios carriage - from the way he was speaking, he seriously needed some back up.

"Any ideas to get there?" I asked Aries. He shook his head, obviously showing he had no answer. In the distance we heard the Dukes carriages chasing after ours. They were screaming at us to stop - we didn't. We were lucky that carriages were expensive and only the rich could afford them, because we would have been in trouble if there was a traffic jam.

We still hadn't much time, however. They were gaining on us.

"Maybe you guys could jump from my carriage to theirs. I could get you in line and you could try and jump on the back of the porch." Jonas was such a genius. The only risk of that plan was dying, but that could be easily be averted if we survived and did everything perfectly.

"Okay, but just to buy Scorpio some time," I shot a thunder bomb using the crossbow. "That should cause a little diversion. Come on Jonas, get us level." He nodded and started slowing down. While he tried getting us level, I shot some bombs using the crossbow.

I looked back and saw there was still at least ten carriages following us. People were jumping out of the way, so they didn't get hurt. "Sorry!" Me and Aries had to shout numerous times. Just because we were now thiefs, didn't mean that we didn't show compassion, okay?

Eventually, we got level with Scorpios carriage. I saw that he also had a crossbow and was shooting. I looked at the third carriage we brung with us - it was just in front of us. Whether they liked it or not, this carriage needed most protecting.
In a high speed chase, my brain decided to think about what happened to us if we failed to keep our promises.

You see, if we didn't keep them or if we lied about them, bad things tended to happen.

Like, one time, Scorpio promised us he hadn't robbed a carriage from some other rich guy. We had believed him, only to find out it was stolen, the guy had found out and the carriage was destroyed. Scorpio was in debt, but he managed to pay it off pretty quick. He admitted to us, he stole the money from the guy he robbed the carriage off of. At least he was honest.

Another time, Sag had promised that she hadn't seduced the teacher to get a higher mark on a test. She had lied and you know what happened? Her skirt was blown up by the roaring wind and everyone saw her panties! Let's not forget, she then fell into mud, trying to get away from us.

More recently, about three weeks ago, we dared Capricorn to try and 'pull' Pisces mum(without Pisces knowing). He said that he had, but a few days later, we found Pisces in bed with Capricorn's mum(without Capricorn knowing)!! Bad things happened to us if we didn't do what we said we would do. I don't know why, so don't ask me.

Back to the present and our latest dare, I told Jonas get us closer to the carriage in front. Libra, Aquarius, Gemini and Cancer were in there, and they weren't fighters. And we couldn't let Zelfar get caught. We had to help. Jonas got us close and we jumped on the back porch.

"Alright, Aries, jump!" Aries did as I instructed.

"Okay, I'll go. Make sure you idiots don't die!!" Jonas shouted. He then sped up and I felt our carriage going back so it was levels with Scorpios.

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