Chapter 49: Leo

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I woke up in a sorry state. My body was bruised and battered, no doubt subjected to punishment while I had been unconscious and now, as I woke up I had no idea where I was, if Talaanz had been awoken the night before and where the others were.

But, I needed to take things one step at a time. First, I needed to find out where I was.

I looked around and saw plain, grey brick blocking my view from everything. Cold, thick, metal bars were in front of me, with a small, barred, window behind me. The room, well prison cell I should say, was quite small. A few paces would take me from one end to the other.

Unfortunately, it was hard to stand and walk with my hands bound together behind my back.

So, I tried using Magic. Again, what sucked for me was my Magic was a hundred times weaker in this place. I tried summoning regular fire, but to no avail. Even my Lust Eyes weren't activating! This dungeon must have somehow weakened the Magic that I used. I sat there for a few minutes, desperately trying to cast my Fire Magic, or use my Superpower and I even used my Word Path, but my Magic was so weak, barely anything happened. "Damn!" I muttered.

This place also seemed to make me waste more magical energy quickly. I was feeling extremely drained, but I had barely done anything!

Running out of options I knew, I'd have to resort to...asking

I shuddered. Just thinking about asking for help gave me the shivers. I liked being the independent one who didn't need help, but instead showed off his talents by helping others (even if they sometimes didn't ask for my help).

I needed to know what was going on with the outside world. What if Talaanz had awoken and destroyed everyone? Or he might have killed the others...

I clenched my fists as best as I could. I couldn't lose the others now! Not after everything we had been through together! Not that I liked admitting it, but I wasn't very good with change or goodbyes. So losing my best friends, never seeing them and probably seeing only half the world remain didn't sit well with me.

The feeling of uselessness that hung over me through the whole adventure of ours was lessened with their individual and team brilliance. I may have liked saying they needed me, but to be honest, I needed them more. As much as I (again) hated to admit it, those morons defined me and I'd be damned if they would be taken away from me (if they hadn't already and, yes, even Scorpio). Losing them would completely suck balls.

I tried standing, but although initially difficult, I managed it. I yelled out loud and tried breaking free from the ropes binding my arms using my physical strength. It didn't work and I was left with bruised wrists.

"Guys!" I yelled in frustration. "Talk to me! Are you there? Please! Speak!"

I found myself down on my knees again, my head hung low, my spirit crushed. Then it happened.

Entering the dungeon was a man dressed in fine clothes. He wore white silk, had long, flowing black hair and seemingly, kind-hearted, brown eyes.

He entered the dungeon with a plate of food and some water in a glass. For a moment, I thought he'd torment me by eating it right in front of my mouth-watering body.

Instead, with a worried face, he approached and asked, "You are Leo, correct?"

"Who's asking?" He shrugged and got to work. He opened my cell and I was overjoyed. He put the food and water down in front of me and knelt besides me.

"Eat," he ordered. "You'll need the strength."

"How do I know it's not contaminated?" I asked, looking at the delicious, exotic food. I had no idea what it was, but it looked great!

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