Chapter 7: Sagittarius

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We were huddled around the campfire, the stars visible in the sky. The night sky looked beautiful, and when I pointed that out, Aquarius agreed with me, which I found pretty generous.

But, enough about me. You need to know what crazy antics we were getting up to.

We had cut down some logs before, so we could sit on them during the campfire. They were actually quite comfortable, but that was for me. I don't think it was comfortable enough for Virgo, who wore some mini jeans and high boots.

Tomorrow, we would be going back to school so Virgo had our school clothes in a carriage that Jonas would be bringing for us. I thought that was really nice of him. Many people thought I don't like him, but truthfully, he's like the older brother I wish I had.

So, we were sitting around the campfire -me in between Leo and Aqua - just having a good time while roasting marshmallows. The alcohol (something that Leo told us he didn't drink) was back in the 'reserved tent.'

I felt that the campfire so far was good, but on the boring side. I didn't know what to do, until that is, that beautiful man Pisces livened it up a bit - by suggesting we play truth or dare!

He was sat next to Gem and Scorpio, all of them looking happy (well, as happy as Scorpio could be).

"Okay, Pisces, it was your idea. That basically means you get to start," I told him.

"No, I don't. Please. Can we not do spin the bottle?"

"That brings me to my next request- Virgo, the beer!!!" I happily shouted.

"I'm not drinking," Leo said. "You idiots are gonna make me do something so stupid I might, I'll regret it forever."

"Pussy," Scorpio said, as Virgo started passing bottles around.

"Leave him - I think its cute," Libra said taking a sip. "Who brought cigs?"

"I think I got a few packets in the back," said Virgo. This was starting to liven up a bit. Now, I knew we all smoked. Leo just didn't like drinking when Scorpio was around for fear he would spill the beans and reveal that he thought Scorpio was pretty cool. I knew they were secretly best friends!

"Okay, I'll go first," I said, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it up. "Aqua, truth or dare."

"I'll go truth first," she replied. She drank a bit more and I thought it had already got to her!

"Alright babes, marry, kiss, shag, kill and avoid."

"Who do you want me to have?" She asked.

"Shut the fuck up and listen! Maybe then you'll find out," Aries shouted. He wasn't drinking...yet. "Seriously, I thought Gemini was annoying!"

"Sorry," Aquarius replied. "Fucking hell!" She giggled.

"This is all pointless. Just like me..."

"Why you getting depressed for? Cheer up Cancer!" Capricorn said.

"Sorry, just feeling the drink more today," Cancer replied. That guy seemed to get depression when drinking certain types of alcohol which was pretty funny.

"Anyways, your five people are, me, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Pisces," I said.

"I'd have to kill Aries. He's a dickhead." She started laughing.

"Shut up," Aries started. He breathed in smoke.

"Sorry babes! But it's true. I'd avoid Capricorn - you're too perfect."

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