Chapter 38: Capricorn

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"Wooh!!" Leo yelled, standing on the head of Griffen, his arms outstretched and probably thinking he was king of the world. We were currently flying.... Well, we were just flying really. Virgo was deciphering the whole scroll that we had found (it was in the basement next to a few creepy potions), while the rest of us sat around her.

The Griffin was so big, that we could of all played a game of badminton on its back. Add that to the fact that he had seriously powerful Lightning Magic and I think we had found a good, reliable friend.

"This feelings AMAZING!" I heard Leo yell again. That idiot was someone unreliable in my eyes. He was having fun at a time like this, with the world possibly ending in 5 days, including this one. It was also almost midnight, meaning Day 3 would soon be upon us.

I have to admit, the stars did look beautiful that night. Their glistening silver colour in the night sky looked like something I could stare at for hours on end.

"So, I know where we're heading next," Virgo said. She rolled the two scrolls up and tucked them into her satchel. We all turned to look at her, our ears completely focused. Except for Leo's of course - he was still getting abuzz off the wind flying last our ears on the Grfiin's head.

"Well?" I asked, after a few seconds.

"We're going to Kage," she said, biting her lips nervously. I didn't understand why she would be like that though - Kage was actually close and if the items we needed were there, then that was great! It also meant that Talaanz was probably pretty close. 

"Isn't that a good thing?" Libra asked. "That is pretty close, but you look worried."

"Yeah, but, the thing is, I want to restock, before we head to our real destination."

"What'd you mean, restock?! We might as well go to where we need to be. We're all pretty much at full strength," I complained. "We'll have a good resupply trip, when we're done saving the world!"

"Speak for yourself," Sag said. "I'm pretty much wiped out. Look at the bigger picture Cap - we've got seven days to save the world and we're all at such low energy and Magic power. We're not gonna be saving the world any time soon in this state."

"Well, we can at least resupply in our next location! You know, after we finish finding the items we need!" Virgo shook her head and sighed, before speaking again.

"That won't work. Where we're going, it's not exactly got markets all over the place. We're going to Kage to resupply for food and water - not for rest. We can take turns to sleep and stay awake to preserve energy."

"But, where are we going?" Aries asked.

"To Brazon...." Came the ominous reply. Immediately we all went silent. Even Leo turned around, shock on his face. One of the Legendary Artifacts that we would use to save the world was in the place that probably hated us most right now...


"Well, this is bullshit," I muttered as we landed down on a hill a few minutes away from Kage. I had seen a few Sorcerers patrolling the area and I suddenly wanted to fix off to somewhere far off like a cave and quietly live my life there for the rest of my days. Or well, I'd be living there for the next seven days, because the world would be ending in that time.

I seem very negative, don't I?

"How are we gonna avoid them and resupply and rest?" I asked. "It all seems a bit impossible to me. Even more so when we lost Scorpio and Taurus." I was met by a smack to the back of the head. I yelled in pain and looked at who had smacked me. I was surprised to see Leo.

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