Chapter 32: Libra

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We got settled in pretty quick. We had enough money for the best room in Xquisite and enough money so everyone could enjoy themselves. Even though everyone had left, me, Scorpio and Virgo and Leo had stayed behind.

He wanted to think about what we would be coming up against. Scorpio was helping him devise a plan taking on Talaanz and Virgo was also there, helping them two. Cap had woken up and had decided to spend his night 'enjoying himself with bitches.'

I stayed to get close to Leo and I was sat with him now. He was done discussing tactics and was now laying in his bed, staring a the ceiling. I lay next to him, just staying close. As there was only six beds, me and him shared one.

I heard Virgo come in. She was in her room and probably needed to see Leo. She nodded at us and Leo sat up, turned and looked at her.

"Leo - "

"Where's Cybelle?" He asked, cutting her off.

"She's fine. Gaia said that she had someone who could look after her. But anyway, I needed to speak to you about the scroll."

"What about it?"

"I think that the other part of the scroll, the one they said was missing or was lost, is at Darkmoon Tower," she said gravely. Just hearing the name sent shivers up my spine. It was rumoured to be about a three days walk going the long way round. But the sea route was much faster, albeit suicidal.

I'm so indecisive and so I would probably spend the seven days stuck on this part.

"Why'd you say that? Why's it gonna be at Darkmoon?"

"According to some of my calculations and some, er, outside help, we gotta go to Darkmoon. There'll be some, vague mode of transport waiting for us there, some jewels for supplies and clothes and the other part of the scroll. We gotta go."

"We'll have to get six to go to the library tomorrow, while the others go get a boat. We're gonna have to cross that stupid lake. Damn, I hope those rumours aren't true," Leo said, clenching his fist. "If I hadn't used my full power to break his lightning...."

"It doesn't matter. He's been alive for a millennia. He probably had a back-up plan. Stop beating yourself over it," I said, trying to console him. I put my head through his hard and I swear he purred.

"Libra's right, Leo. Don't beat yourself over it. If you'll excuse me, I gotta go to Scorpio." We nodded and promptly walked out.

Leo went to laying down, but this time, he held me close. "You don't blame me for all this?" He asked.

"You'd be one of the last I'd blame. Leo," I sat up and gazed into his orange eyes, "your one of the most generous, loyal and kind guys I know. And you're even pure of heart. You've gotta be seriously good to get that type of praise, even from a demon."

"Thanks Libra. You're too nice. But, what happens if I can't lead us? What happens if..." He shut up when I kissed him. Initially, he seemed surprised, but then he started kissing back. We lay down on the bed, kissing passionately and I knew I would only love Leo. I just hoped he returned my feelings...


I woke up at 5:30am next to a nude Leo. I completely remembered what happened last night and it was making me feel hot. He lay there, his beautiful, athletic body facing me. I saw his spiky hair, and it reminded me of a lions mane.

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