Chapter 39: Pisces

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Wow, so I wasn't the only one to awaken Holy Spirit. That kind of made me feel unhappy. I was good at hiding my emotions (most of the time) and right now, I was appearing happy, as if nothing was wrong.

But something was.

I thought I was special. But, it had been revealed that everyone else could enter Holy Spirit.

"So, how did it feel, Sag?" Cap asked her, a sceptical look on his face. He obviously didn't believe that she had entered it too, but I know what I had seen. She probably remembered entering it as well, even if it was for a few minutes or so. I did interrupt that fight pretty hastily.

Mainly because I was worried about Cancer and Sag. Maybe I could have even entered Holy Spirit again...

Idiot, Vivienne, my past life, said. You shouldn't get addicted to that power.

Why? It allows me to save lives, kick ass and look awesome doing it. Surely there's no better thing than that? Is there?

Holy Spirit is powerful, there is no doubt of that. Add that to the fact that you can learn to control it, makes it such a huge threat for you enemy. But, that absolute power can have a massive drawback if it's overused.

Like what? I thought quite angrily, which wasn't normally like me.

You really are an idiot. Holy Spirit sometimes drains so much power from the user that after the transformation or even during the transformation itself, the caster may die. You linking back to your past life is basically like controlling time and over a period of time, it drains so much. I was surprised that you lived at the Battle of Serbai.

Well, I am pretty powerful, I thought. But, I'm a little more anxious to enter it now.....

Good, Vivienne said.

"Pisces, you okay?" Sag asked me.

"Yeah, of course I am," I said, smiling at her. She smiled back and we carried on walking, continuing on our conversation with other topics.


As we approached the city of Kage, one of things I first saw was that it looked like not a very friendly place. It was established close to the bottom a forest and the township of Kage was home to thieves, merchants, crooks and other horrors. I heard there Governor, Alfred, wasn't such a swell guy either.

"This place doesn't look very friendly," Sag said, as we approached it. No kidding, I thought. "It doesn't even look safe," she said as we entered.

To clarify her point, she started pointing at the dark areas of the town, that looked very unexciting. With its galvanised steel rooftops, worn sandstone walls and creaking wood, Kage also had a foreboding atmosphere.

No one really seemed to welcome us, nor did they seem to try and intimidate us. Though, with the way Capricorn was acting like, I feared they soon would be. He had recently discovered, why the town was built in the forest and marvelled at the fact.

"You see, the town wasn't built in a forest by accident, because it has strong metal ores and solid wood foundations, which is also of great importance to the people of Kage and its success," he told the two of us.

"Yeah, thanks for the info," I replied, looking around for a market. I didn't see one, so we we carried on walking through the streets, which weren't too filthy or horrific if I'm honest. We were just ignored by everyone, free to do whatever we pleased.

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