Chapter 8: Aries

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So, it was my turn. I wondered what pussy dare Pisces had come up with. Yeah, I obviously went with dare. I didn't believe it would be too serious. I was so wrong. "So, tell me your question?" I said, still drunk. Being drunk made me even more impatient than I already was.

"Okay, sorry Aries. Anyways, I dare you to get married to one of the Zodiacs." That didn't seem so hard.

"What?" Asked Sag.

"Hahaha, no one likes Aries - who's he gonna marry?" Scorpio laughed.

"Shut up, your sign should really be the snake..." I told the wasteman. I also had another question. "How we gonna get married? Isn't it a rule in Raen that you need a priest to attend the marriage? Zelfar is probably at home at this time."

"Well, he's already at a marriage. He's down a few blocks, at a place called 'Marriage Hall.' How original. I seen him entering on my way here and there's no guarantee he's not started the ceremony yet. So you're gonna have to convince him to leave. And quickly."

"Pisces with the intel," whooped Aqua.

"I know, normally its Virgo or Scorpio!" Laughed Libra.

"You're saying this is a legit marriage!!"

"Only for a couple of weeks," Pisces assured me. A couple of weeks!! He's fucked up!!

"No!" I shouted. No way I wanted to marry any of these lot.

"You have to. C'mon, don't be a wuss," Leo smiled.

"We will make it easier," Virgo started. "Turn your back and I'll give all the girls a number. You choose a number and there's your wife for a month."

"For a fucking month! Nah!"

"Aries, remember the forfeit! You have to be a slave for all of us for a week," chimed in Libra. "And there's also that little..."

"Okay, okay," I conceded. Thanks for reminding everyone Libra.

I turned my back and Virgo chose numbers. I went with my favourite number, 1. "I choose number 1!" I said.

"Well, that was unexpected," said Gemini.

"No! I chose her!!! I'm gonna kill myself!!"

"Yeah, your nice. Aries, why are you freaking out?" She asked.

"I'm gonna kill myself. Being near you is enough to drive me to insanity!!" She merely laughed.

"Or you could kill her, and then kill yourself," shrugged Scorpio.

"I don't have time for your bullshit," I said to Scorpio, while everyone laughed their asses off. They knew me and Gem were least likely to happen - she's too annoying. Outta everyone I preferred to have either Taurus or Sag.

"Sorry mate, but you're gonna have to," Leo stated. Even my best friend....

"Shut up Leo. Seriously, Pisces? I hate you!!!" I shouted at him, not caring wether I hurt his feelings. Not my fault he was oversensitive. I saw him look at me with hurt and sadness and I immediately felt bad.

"Sorry," I reluctantly said.

"A legal marriage for a month, to Gem, at the age of 17. I don't know if I can handle that..." I mocked crying. I laughed and then said," Let's go rob, I mean convince, a priest." We all laughed and got this plan into motion. Looking back on it, I thought it was the alcohol that spurred me on, but it was also something else.

"So, everyone got the plan?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, Leo, we got it..." muttered Capricorn. That guy has nerve speaking to Leo like that. Though he was useful when I needed homework doing. "Okay, Cap, just making sure," Leo said.

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