Chapter 28: Pisces

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"Wheres that idiot now?" Jackie asked me, annoyed.

"Which one?" I replied, completely oblivious to the fact that she meant Scorpio. She thought I was joking and gave a small laugh. It was a nice laugh. That was irrelevant. She had a nice face when she laughed. That was also completely irrelevant.

"Scorpio obviously," she said, losing that cute smile. I laughed nervously.

"I don't know. Why? It's about 12 am. He's probably with Virgo."

"He's not. I just checked with her. He's gone - " I nodded, not needing her to finish. There was only one other place he would be.

"Let's just go," I told her. She nodded and grabbed a coat. It was white - my favourite colour. She looked good in white. I need to stop saying completely irrelevant things, don't I? We hurriedly walked out of our nice and cosy home that we acquired through Scorpio and Jackie scamming half the people in Ukrale.

Ukrale, was a nice place, and probably didn't deserve two 17 year olds screwing them over. But, that's life I suppose.

We ran into town, occasionally meeting a stranger or two who probably had their own reason for being out at this time of night. We made a few twists and turns, until we got to a small alleyway."This is the way, right?" I asked Jackie, hoping I'd be wrong.

"Yes, definitely the way." She started walking into the ominous place. 

There was barely any light, so the two of us only had the moon and the stars to guide us to our destination. I felt the cold and wished I had brought my jacket. But, Jackie didn't allow me the time. So, instead, I put my collar up. Yeah, because that would really help.

Jackie led me to a small pothole in the ground, that was quite easy to lift thanks to the small hole on the right side of it. We climbed down the ladder and ended up in the sewer. Luckily, the was a small pathway for us to walk, with the sewer water just a few steps away.

As we entered, Jackie wrinkled her nose.

"Damn, it stinks," she complained.

"Maybe we could let Scorpio do his thing and question him about it in the morning?" I tried to ask, ever so casually. Jackie didn't buy it.

"No Pisces. That idiots gonna get us run out of another town."

"This is a city."

"You know what I mean! C'mon, let's go, so I can beat up my dearest cousin." That didn't sound like a good plan.


We followed the sewer till the end and saw it led us to another pothole. We saw a rusty ladder and hastily climbed it, stopping at the top so that Jackie could check if we had successfully snuck in. She poked her head through and climbed out. I followed her.

We got out and started hearing a lot of noise. People were screaming in joy and hatred. Yeah, this was definitely the place.

We were in a dark, circular room which wasn't very big and was probably used as a janitors closet, judging by the cleaning products inside of it. It was also a very cliché place - c'mon, two people, a guy and a girl, alone, in a small dark room? That practically spelled disaster.

"Damn that idiot," I heard Jackie whisper.

"Who?" I stupidly asked. She looked at me like I was stupid and I nodded at her in the dark. "Sorry, just being a idiot," I nervously laughed.

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