Chapter 53: Capricorn

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"Talaanz, old buddy," Leo nervously laughed, "How you been? Hope you had a nice sleep and all."

'Oh, look, it's those puny Zodiacs. Hope you've gotten stronger since the last time I've seen you. You were pitiful back then!' The skeleton pulled his head back and a demonic laugh escaped his mouth.

"Yeah, we're definitely stronger," Leo laughed. "Wanna see?" He asked, (stupidly, of course) while standing in a battle position. Talaanz laughed again, while I facepalmed.

'You've got guts, Zodiac. But I'm an all powerful demon and your just a puny kid. You have no chance. But killing you will be fun,' he added as an afterthought, with that sadistic tone of voice.

"Thanks, Leo," I said. "You've just got us killed." I realised my voice was shaking with fear. I looked at my hand and found that my whole body was trembling in fear. I remembered how well our fight went last time we battled.

The experiance was still fresh in my mind. I was half-dead from battling those Sorcerers consistently and this monster would have killed us so easily, if it hadn't been for Hercules.

The feeling of despair I had felt that day wouldn't happen again I had promised myself. But I was feeling it right now and it pissed me off.

'So, who wants to die first?' Talaanz asked, gleefully. Well, as gleeful as a giamt humanoid skeleton could be anyway.

"None of us, if that's possible," Jackie sweetly smiled. It looked like Talaanz hadn't realised she was here, because he, well, it, suddenly looked really angry.

"Jackie, it looks like you pissed him off," Leo said unhelpfully, smiling nervously.

"Tell me something I didn't know," she snapped back, to which Leo grinned, even more nervous looking than before.

"Just wanted to - "

'Enough chit chat!' Talaanz interrupted Leo. 'The traitor, I see has also come. You would have done better to run. When I'm finished with you - '

Now, it was Leo's turn to interrupt Talaanz. Which was definitely NOT smart.

"Hey, bastard! I was speaking to her first and no one interrupts me!" Leo yelled, a golden light forming in his right hand. He charged, leapt and punched Talaanz's knee, yelling, "Lions Golden Fist!"

There was an explosion and Leo had landed back down to us. Talaan looked completely unfazed. In fact, he looked even angrier.

"Thanks, Leo, you've killed us twice now," I muttered. He didn't hear what I said, but I knew that even if he did, he would've ignored me.

"Are you guys fighting or not?" Leo yelled, charging again.

"That's three times hes killed us," I said, while Cancer laughed and the three girls rolling their eyes at idiot trying to go one on one with Talaanz.

"We've gotta help the fool, I guess," Jackie shrugged and leapt into battle alongside him.

I sighed and said, "Coming," also leaping into the fray.

Talaanz swung a punch which Leo jumped over. "Shadow Orb!" Jackie yelled and fired the Spell at his arm.

The Orb exploded, but again no damage had been done to him. Instead, the Orb charged up the lightning on his spikes and he fired a thunderbolt from his fingertips at me.

I raised an earth wall in front of me, while Taurus also made one in front of me as back up. The lightning blew up on contact with my shield.

The lightning had been so strong that it had blew apart two shields made from me and Taurus!

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