Chapter 29: Capricorn

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We were chasing some stupid ball of light. Sound weird, right? But it's true. We were chasing some stupid ball of light. Now, normally, I'd treat is as a bit of adventure, but under these circumstances, not so much.

So what were the circumstances that I was in? Basically, me, Aqua and Taurus had all formed our own little trio staying in the nice town of Konoha. We lived our year using my brains, Taurus charms and Aquas imagination. We were living a good life, then somehow, we were found...

We had been recognised by some Sorcerers (I think that's their name), and they had decided to relentlessly pursue us into the woodland, out of town and heading north. We had been evading them for three days when the light had come.

At first, I had been sceptical. A random ball of light, that talked, and was telling us to follow it. It was about the size of my fist and shone white.

I don't know if I was crazy, or just plain stupid, but I felt the reassurance of someone's voice - a person I knew, but couldn't quite make out. So, after the fourth day, when we were battered, bruised, lost and in disarray, we called for the light, and it had come.

That was our first big mistake.

Now, we were following it, but it was just silent. I tried speaking to it, but it didn't respond.

Furthermore - yes, I know, I sound like a professor. That's because I was teaching during my time over the year - when we stopped walking, it carried on floating. So, I was losing sleep and my patience with this stupid thing.

"How long have we been walking?" Aqua starting moaning again.

"Can't you wait? It's leading us somewhere important, I just need to know where and why."

"Maybe it's trying to lead us to a better leader, oh mighty Capricorn," Aquarius snapped.

"Yeah, or it might be leading us to someone else who isn't overly sarcastic or self-important!" I shouted back at her. I saw Taurus, thanks to the moonlight, and she did not look happy. The opposite of happy in fact.

She made my statement true, when she then said, "Stop fucking fighting! Hurry up, the things starting to speed up again."

"Damn. That means the Sorcerers are close," I said, clenching my fist. I'm not really the biggest fighter, but I would've loved to make it Zodiacs:2, Bad Guys:0. But, you could make give them 1 point, if you wanted to class Hercules's death as a point.

Ouch, I guess that was kind of harsh.

"Thanks Captain Obvious," Aqua muttered.

"Would you just - "

"Both of you shut up, before I get mad and reveal our positions to them," Taurus interjected. Reluctantly, I stayed quite. It was the tactical thing, what can I say? Would you ever want to get on the wrong side of, not just a Taurus, but the Taurus?

I thought as much.

We sped up, following the ball faster than before. In a fight with Sorcerers, after not training our magic for a year, our chances of winning were pretty low.

I jumped over a tree trunk that was quite large. I tried helping Taurus over, but she didn't want my help. Any one else may have still tried to help, but Taurus was so stubborn I didn't even bother. If she didn't want my help, she wouldn't take it.

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