Chapter 25: Aquarius

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I was sent crashing into something soft and pillow-like. I noticed it was Scorpio. Immediately, I turned red. I tried to check my hair, but my arm was in a lot of pain. Yeah, we were in a life and death situation, but I was worried about how nice my hair looked in front of Scorpio.

"Can you...." He began weakly.

"Anything, what'd do you want?" Would he confess his feelings? I was going to dream about mine and his marriage, but snapped myself out of it.

"Come closer...." He whispered to me. I instantly put my head close to his face. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and I was certain he would kiss me. I was about to lean in when, "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"

I shrieked and fell backwards. I fell on to the cold hard ground. "Damn, I swear this was grass a few moments ago." I groggily stood and my eyes widened in surprise. We had been launched about a few hundred meters away from the prison.

The outer wall had been completely destroyed, with stone slabs and concrete areas everywhere around it. But, what caught my eye was the massive purple beam of energy that lit up the sky. It was focused onto where the Everstone was held.

I stood, watching the purple light in awe as Scorpio pulled my arm and started running toward the castle. I was so happy, I thought it was a date and that we were running because we were late for a movie! So, stupidly, I blushed like a idiot the whole way to the now blown up prison.

We saw some of the others and eventually, 10 of us were just outside the blown up prison. Three people were missing - Leo, Taurus and Hercules.

"Where are they?" I asked as we all stopped short of the prison.

"Who?" Scorpio asked. I thought he was faking and I was gonna slap him, but I put my hand down. Even though he acted like a dick, I still loved him so much. Sag didn't, so she slapped him.

"You know who we're talking about! Now, tell us!" Scorpio backed away, his expression totally calm. He raised his hands so that Sag didn't slap him again. "I don't know," he admitted. "I was trying to get out, just behind Cancer and was blasted like you guys."

"Guy....I think I know where they are," Gemini said, her voice full of fear. I turned to were she was pointing and saw Leo lying in a pool of blood, against a stone wall. Taurus was trapped under debris and looked ready to die. Hercules was stood there silently, facing the light, his sword raised.

"Hercules!" Virgo shouted, running towards him. He turned, evident fear on his face.

"Escape while you can! I will hold this thing off!" He shouted at us. How'd you hold off a purple light? I thought to myself, because he evidently knew how.

"What'd you mean? Help us get Leo and Taurus and let's jet!" Aries shouted back. He immediately tried to help his friend, who coughed up blood. Libra started to cry, but also ran to help. Scorpio went to help Taurus, as well as me. We all split into a group of two, trying to help our friends, while Hercules screamed at us to go.

'Foolish Zodicas. Only one has impressed me thus far, albeit not very, and that's been the Fish One,' A voice said. What the hell? I looked around trying to locate it, while its like again, 'You should be running, after all, when this barrier breaks, I will be released. You puny beings and your weak Guardian won't be able to hold me off. When I kill you, it will be a hundred times easier awakening my Master. Yes, I will kill you.' It seemed to relish the thought.

I realised the voice was coming from the purple light. That meant, the Everstone had broken...

"How'd you break out the Everstone?" I asked it. "Isn't it only meant to break when someone who's pure tries to unleash it back into the world?"

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