Chapter 17: Taurus

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Eran had come to save me! Strangely, even though blood was covering me, I felt perfectly fine. Like the pain was going as fast as it had come. I sat up, though it took effort and I watched Eran.

He had a girl next to him, one who I immediately disliked, and a second gigantic man. The girl was, in one word, beautiful. She had piercing red eyes, with silver hair that ended in pink tips. She was dressed in a black dress with a white underdress. She also wore a choker on her neck, and she had long brown boots with black stockings.

The big guy was very muscular and wore no shirt, exposing his muscles. He had shoulder armour, that had a hole with cross attached to it. Attached to the cross, was stop of gold metal that held his armour in place. On his lower arm, he wore vambraces and metal gloves, blue, black and red in colour. On his back he had a sword in its scabbard. He completed his outfit, by wearing red, baggy pants, tucked into black boots.

They looked a force to be reckoned with. Eran jumped off the building (what a daredevil!) and collided with the the ninja who had beat us up. Ever since Aries had tried defending me from these dicks, I had grown to like him a lot. Which is basically saying, I started liking him three minutes ago.

The main ninja had a red headband and tried punching Eran, meeting him in the air. Eran's hand was enveloped in a golden light, like before.

The ninja, however, had a green energy surrounded his arm. Was it that 'Dragon Rage' from before? Eran and the ninjas fist met in midair. Eran won the duel, evident by how far the ninja flew. His lackeys looked at each other and decided to attack.

"Sticky Glue!"

"Acid Fang!"

A blue, sticky substance came from one of the ninjas hand. Eran jumped out of the way by jumping wall to wall. The second ninjas green ooze, however, dissolved everything it touched. I knew which was which by then.

"Take em out," Eran motioned towards the ninjas. The girl and guy nodded and began combat. Meanwhile, I was still waiting for Pisces and the others to rescue us. I was patient enough to let them realise that we still needed help.

They eventually got the memo, when Eran told them. Those guys were so embarrassing. Seriously, a guy I like and they're acting stupid. That gives me a bad name you know! I wanted to shout at the idiots, but I didn't. Too lazy.

Scorpio helped me up and I thanked him. He could be a great guy when he wanted to be, but I don't think I'd ever be interested in him. Too dark and mysterious, if you asked me.

Thankfully, when he helped me up, he didn't ask the stupid question 'are you okay?'.

"You okay?" He asked. I mentally face-palmed. Seriously?

"Yeah, don't worry. Aries is unconscious though," I replied. Libra wasn't too hot herself. She had been cut, from when she fell. She also had been kicked twice in her gut.

Aries was easily the worst, though. He had his arm in a position it should never be in. He had been bruised, cut and scarred all over his body and he had lost quite a bit of blood.

Sag and Aqua were trying to get him to his feet, without actually causing any more pain to the poor guy. I'd help, but I was still recovering. The pain wasn't fully gone.

"Cmon guys," Scorpio said. He put my arm over shoulder and started walking.

"Where we going? Shouldn't we stay with Eran?" I asked, confused. I also wanted to stay with Eran.

"We need to get outta here and get help," Scorpio calmly told me. I looked at the others and they all nodded. We were in bad shape and had been split up. We needed to regroup and repair.

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