Chapter 51: Pisces

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Above is only the appearance of what Pisces would like if he entered Holy Spirit!

It was easy to deflect Clypeus's blade. It was only made of pure steel and I was in my ultimate state. 'He doesn't stand a chance,' I thought, as I eyed him.

My thoughts were faster, my eyes saw more and I reacted quicker, not to mention that my strength and speed also increased a hundred-fold and my Magic was at its peak. 

There was no way he could beat me. Was there? My now cyan coloured eyes saw him smile.

"Finally, a challenge," he grinned.

"Be quiet," I replied. My voice was more prominently heard than the other hundred or so also coming out my mouth when I spoke. That showed I was in control which I needed to be. This guy was a serious challenge. I couldn't beat him by fluke.

"Ooh, the fish is touchy. I'll take you out, like I would have done with Scorpio," he laughed. He motioned to the injured Scorpio stood beside me and I spoke, "I know you want to fight. But I've got this." I smiled at him and gave a thumbs up.

He nodded. "Kick his arse Pisces or else," he threatened, jokingly.

"Will do," I replied as he ran off to fight the Sorcerers. I started to stare at Clypeus again, who stared back. He had no magical energy that I could feel radiating from him. I, on the other hand, was radiating aura so powerful cracks were made in the ground and I was literally blowing back anyone close who got close to me.

"Circus tricks won't get you far, oh Lord Pisces," he mockingly said.

I didn't need to speak, I transported behind him so fast he didn't have time to blink and kicked him in the head. My kick caused a small explosion, but he laughed. I transported again to his side and punched his temple and then teleported again and kicked his arm. I appeared in front of him and punched his stomach. The bastard kept laughing.

'How the hell aren't my attacks affecting him?' I thought angrily.

I kneed him in the jaw, swiped his legs and as he fell, I kicked him in the air. I became lightning and got to his height. "Static Surge!" I yelled.

An orb made of complete lightning and the size of a football formed in my hands and I pushed it into his chest.

An explosion ensued and he was on his back, back on the ground.

I transported to my starting position. That surely should have took him down.

"No... no way!" I yelled angrily, as he stood up. "How the hell are you still alive?"

"Didn't anyone tell you?" He asked. "This armour is made of Celestial Gold. 10 times stronger than anything we have on this planet! It's said to be heaven from itself."

I didn't speak. Three red circles formed on his chest. I gave a confused look as each fired three red beams. I merely dodged them by becoming lightning. They blew up behind me, but the explosion didn't phase me at all. It should have been. It only blew up about a quarter of the whole palace! Which, let me tell you, was HUGE!!

"Impressive," he mused. "No one's ever been unaffected by three of my attacks at once."

"I'm not a no one," I stated. I charged again, my attacks becoming more serious. My hands were surrounded in water and lightning as I took the fight to him. I was cracking his armour and every time those circles formed, I dodged and went back into attack.

But he eventually got me. I was in Holy Spirit so long (about ten minutes) that I started to slow down and that's when he hit his 'death beam.'

The beam hit my chest and I was sent hurtling back through a wall. I shook my head and stood. This bastard wasn't going to beat me!

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