Chapter 43: Leo

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Above is Aria!!
Mature content ahead. You've been warned

So, I had to seduce Aria. Just great. Don't get me wrong, she was nice, but I didn't want to be down her pants. Scorpio would, if he was here. He banged any and all girls for fun.

I was more relationship (*cough* 1 week *cough*) based and I was still finding that right someone.

So fucking around with some girl was not my idea of a fun time.

Anyway, it was part of the plan and the number 1 rule of a plan is: Stick to the plan. I hoped number 2 would come into play: The plan will always fail.

I hadn't exactly known how to control my Lust Eyes, but Helios was helping me.

You just need to make them want you. Bend their will to your needs and if you want to deactivate it, just imagine you're flicking a switch. You have your ability turned on and it turns off when you will it.

It didn't really make sense, but I was really good at learning new things and so I hoped I was catching on quick.

I entered the museum again and was wiping myself with a cloth when Aria approached me.

"Hey again," she said. I smiled at her, but didn't push my Lust Eyes onto her just yet.

"Hi. Didn't expect you to be here."

"I work here. My shift ends at 7. What are you doing back here? Come to see me?" She grinned at me and I found myself smiling back, but thinking, 'Holy crap, what have I got myself into...'

"Of course," I simply said, scratching my wet hair. She sighed and came over to me to help me get less wet really. Though I noticed she had a hand over my abs as I was wiping my wet shirt with a towel. It was still heavily raining from before.

"So, I just wanted to know, if you know..." I said, acting sheepish.

"What?" She said moving about a hairs breadth away from me.

"Would you like to hang out in the museum. I can't wait for your shift to end."

"Of course," she said, leading me away. I needed to get her away from the main entrance as far and as fast as possible.

So I grabbed her ass and when she locked eyes with me, I activated my Lust Eyes. I don't know exactly what happened, because I felt the same, but she evidently was way more into me.

I had done one night stands before - mainly when I was 14 and just getting to know the female genitalia, but I've matured and now one night stands or false sense of relationships weren't really a turn on.

Leo, be careful. Your drawing out the lust from people around you. Just focus on her, like she's Libra, or Sag or Aqua...

Why them three? I sighed. Helios was telling the truth, girls were starting to approach me. I hoped Aria hadn't noticed.

You're not fooling yourself kid. We both know you're extremely into the three of them but don't know which one to choose. The one with the biggest breasts, arse or the the one who has a little of both, but you get along brilliantly with. It's a hard decision, I agree.

Alright, lemme focus. Having someone who literally knows everything about you can seem pretty sucky at times.

May the focusing commence.

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