Chapter 52: Aquarius

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Above is Scorpios Eyes while he entered Holy Spirit! The picture isn't mine, something I found off deviant art.

While Scorpios team went to get the sword, our team had to go and distract Talaanz.

Which we were hopelessly failing at.

Soon after Scorpio had told us where Talaanz was (he was underground in some chamber of some sort), we hurriedly ran to the location.

Even though there was explosions everywhere and at every few moments, we carried on knowing that if Talaanz was fully awoken, the world would be seriously screwed. Luckily, not meeting any Sorcerers or Magicians made it easier to get to our destination.

Thanks to Caps brilliant memory, we soon arrived at the lowest level of the castle, before going underground.

The room was dark and dull, filled with nothing, except for four gargoyles on the walls.

Under one of them, sat a door with a blue energy around it. Aries tried touching it, but was thrown back ten feet.

"Ow," he said, rubbing his head and standing up. "So, how the hell do we get past this?"

"Let me shoot some Magic!" Leo yelled and preceeded to shoot a few fireballs at it. No effect. He looked confused and then whistled. "Guess brute force ain't gonna work. I don't want to expend all my power on the door!"

"Let me think," Capricorn said, cutting his laughter off. He looked around the room. After about a minute, he gave a heavy sigh.

"Damn, even Cap can't decipher it," Taurus muttered.

"Don't worry, I'll get it!" He snapped. Taurus looked unfazed.

"Don't blame me because your brain ain't working!" She yelled back. Jackie put her hands up at the two of them and also yelled.

"Knock it off! Cap, surely it must be something to do with the gargoyles? Anything special about them?"

"The only thing I can see, is that only one of their mouths are open, and that's the one facing the door. Now that you think about it..." His face lit up. "Leo, Cancer, Aquarius, stand in front of the gargoyle!" He said happily.

I shrugged and did as he said.

The three of us and Cap stood in front and faced the gargoyle. "Now what?" I asked skeptically.

"Shoot your main element into it." He said back. He formed stones into his hands and launched them into the gargoyles mouth. The eyes lit up green.

Leo followed him (which was a first!!) by shooting a beam of fire into the mouth of it. The gargoyle, initially perched, stood on all fours.

Cancer manipulated water around him and also launched a stream of it at the mouth. It's mouth grew even larger.

Finally, I sent a gust of wind into its mouth. An orb of white energy formed in its mouth.

"Duck!" Leo yelled. We all listened to him and the gargoyle shot the energy at the door. An explosion followed and blinded me for a second.

After the light had dispersed, we turned to face the door and saw that it had no effect on it!

"Damn, Cap, your little stint didn't work," I told him. Leo laughed. "What's so funny?" I questioned.

"We didn't blow up the door, but got rid of the forcefield, Aqua. So now," Leo said, approaching the door, "We should be able to open it."

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