Chapter 41: Virgo

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Me and Cancer walked into the library and my first thought was, 'holy shit, this place is big.' Then, my second thought was, 'the knowledge in this place must be immense!!'

"Eh, V, I really think we should split up. We won't be able to cover this whole place if we stick together," Cancer muttered. At least he didn't use my full name or I would have had to gut him... I'm joking!

"You're right," I said back, not whispering suspiciously while also looking at the huge bookshelves stacked with an endless amount of books. There was a few table and chairs around - even a librarian! - but not many Magicians, which was good for us.

"I'll take the left," Cancer said this time and started wandering in that general area. Instead of a portrait on the wall, or some other ancient artifact, there might have been the item we were looking for in the library. It was indeed a ancient artifact so it made sense.

I veered off towards the right and began looking for clues as to where the sword would be. It was a two-handed sword, with the blade as black as midnight. The hilt was meant to have a golden design that ran down around three-quarters length of the blade. Ragnarok was meant to be so sharp that a insect that grazed it's edge was meant to be sliced completely in two. No one knew what the blade itself was made of, but it was a inhuman metal or substance. My past life, Cora, had informed me it was something called Mercury as it's main components, with a bit of Celestial Steel. She was way more knowledgeable than me in this whole thing and I was happy she was with me.

I didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary. There was nothing on display anywhere, so I decided to get a book and try to find something useful out.

Unfortunately, I was going to get dragged into this amazing book about Deities Of the World.


"V, what the hell are you doing," Cancer hissed at me. He stood over me, while I was sat at this amazing table with a super comfortable chair.

"I'm reading so I can find out something useful," I replied.

"Well, Gabrielle needs us," he replied quickly. "She's found the 'book' we've been looking for," he said, using quotation marks for book.

"Crap, we gotta go," I almost yelled, standing up.

"Please remain quiet, Magician. Don't make me throw you out," the droning voice of the female librarian said.

"Sorry," I whispered to her. "Where's Austin?" I asked, turning back to Cancer.

"Presumably with Gabrielle. I'm not entirely sure but we gotta blow this joint." I nodded and followed the Crab outside of the door and heading who knows where.

"How do you know about this?" I asked him.

"Gabrielle told me about 15 minutes ago and she told me where to meet her. I've been looking for you. I figured you'd be out of the library, but evidently you weren't," he calmly responded.

"What'd you mean, 15 minutes?? Have I been reading that book for that long?" Cancer simply have a brief laugh.

"That conversation was 15 minutes ago. I searched by myself for at least 20 more minutes meaning your nose was in that book for at least 35 minutes."

Oh my goodness! I wasted so much time.

It's not a problem, Cora said.

Yeah, it is! If I waste time, it could give more time for us - mainly Aries - to blow cover. On top of that, we have a time limit to save the world!!

You really are stressed. You need to learn to calm down and control your fears. Rule them, don't let them rule you.

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