Chapter 12: Leo

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Well, it's my turn. As you guys already know, our plan was set. What I talked about with Virgo? You'll find out later, trust me. So, we were ready and began to execute our plan. We got dressed and headed out one or two at a time, so it didn't look suspicious. Oh yeah, but before we did, we each took a mask and put it into a pocket. Safety first.

"Remember, Leo," Libra said when I walked out, "It's your job to secure Zelfar. Make sure not many people are around him. You may be a servant, so use the power of 'that rich guy is calling you.' You got that?"

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm on it, though I'll have to find him first." I walked around, looking for a 'slim, middle aged, small-eyed man.' Probably in yellow robes - the colour of a Priest from the Church of the All Seeing Eye. I didn't believe in it myself, but he was the local marriage guy or whatever you called it.

I looked over at Scorpio. Unfortunately, me and that bonehead had to work together. We were total opposites, so naturally we were a good pair according to the others. I wondered what a bad pair was.

I went over to him. He nodded at me when I approached. His suit looked good on him. I could tell that some of the rich guys's daughters would elope with him if they ever got the chance. Though, they would be dumped within two days. You see, Scorpio only likes girls for sex. I think you should comfort them and love them like they love you, but, it's his life. No matter what I say, he won't listen and that's up to him. (He should so listen to me!!)

"Hey Scorpio," I said, greeting him. "Know what you're doing?"

"Yeah, Leo, I got it alright?" He said to me. "All I have to do is make sure there are groups of people of like five or more. They're easier to distract closer together, rather than wider apart."

"Just making sure, you never know what you're gonna do. Like send someone on a solo mission and risk everyones safety," I replied glaring at him. Virgo must have noticed me, because she suddenly told me to calm down.

"He survived, didn't he? Don't forget, this wasn't my idea. We could wait for Zelfar to get them married later and celebrate today."

He was right. Why didn't we just wait till a later date? Oh yeah, maybe because Zelfar was leaving town tomorrow and this would be his last ceremony in our city, Gliyares. I told the idiot that and he sighed. "We had to make everything last minute, didn't we?"

"Hey you," a man said, pointing at me. I got worried, had he seen me on the rooftop? I heard Cancer in my ear saying he was always in the building, so I should just stay calm. Okay, Leo, stay calm. Listen to Cancer. He's right.

"Yes sir," I responded. I had to show this guy respect, whoever he was. He was obviously rich, looking at his clothes. An exquisite white suit was what he wore. He called me over to him and I left Scorpio.

I got closer and saw the man was in his mid twenties - just a couple years older than me. He had that arrogant and snobby swagger most rich people had. I possessed the arrogant part too, but in a friendly and cocky way. He just looked like he would try to hang me if I got his name wrong.

"What's your name?" He asked, sizing me up. He was a few inches shorter than me, but his hair put him level with my forehead. The first thing I noticed was the he was extremely pale. He looked like a ghost. He also had a rat like face, long and skinny. His ears were pointing and his eyes showed that he instantly disliked me and they held a cold arrogance. His nose was just like bone and it pained me looking at this man. He also talked like an annoying little twerp.

"My name is...." I had to think of a false name. I usually did well under pressure, so this time it shouldn't have been different. Don't worry, I didn't mess up.

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