Chapter 26: Pisces

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Peace Out ✌🏻️

I instantly turned invisible and started to chase the traitor. This time, I wouldn't lose my target. My magic reserves were critical and so I knew I had to catch up to them quickly. I don't think I had enough power to cast one spell, let alone battle him.

I just hoped it wouldn't come to that.

I followed him in to the forest and began to feel my stamina dwindle down. I was extremely tired and knew I would fall soon. In a last ditch effor, I jumped forward and shot a bolt of lightning into their leg. They screamed, albeit it sounded like a shriek. Some man.

I stayed on the floor for a few seconds and was about to get up to chase again, but was met with a kick to the chest. I fell back, grunting in pain. The others were still some way back and I was too exhausted to fight. This didn't bode well.

I tried standing, but was kicked down again. "Damn you," I muttered, though my voice cracked and I sounded like I was scared (I was, but that's not the point). The person looked at me with their luminous eyes and I sensed a mischievous smile. I also sensed I recognised them, but how? They must have known who I was, or they were probably just relishing the fact that a Zodiac was at their mercy. #FuckMyLife.

Would it be weird if I asked them, 'How come the Demon dude didn't kill you?' Yeah, I thought it would be. For being a idiot and thinking about trivial and stupid thoughts, I was sent sprawling by a purple sphere that exploded in the ground in front of me.

As I said, I was sent sprawling and I was feeling incredibly fearful. "When did you ever fight, Pisces?" The person kept looking at me. There hold was still over their head, but I knew then, from their voice, that this was a girl.

Looking back, it seems I was so dense. How could I not see some light blue hair showing within the hood. Or the slender, hourglass figure. Or the massive ass. Or the chest size. Or the...let me stop right there. I also realised something. Gemini's ability to talk a lot was influencing me and she didn't even like me!

Furthermore, she was a GIRL!! I hastily got up and got ready to fight. Wait, I'm fighting a girl....

Pisces you dumbass! I thought as she shouted, "Void Pulse!" And sent me through a tree. "Wow, you really need to stop daydreaming. You're lucky I'm going easy on you, but, you never could beat me," she laughed and I instantly knew who she was. "Shadow Orb!"

She raised her hand and from her fingertips, a completely black circle appeared and she launched it at me. I'm gonna die....

Luckily, a wall of earth blocked it. I turned and saw Capricorn, in his Iron Mode (I came up with the name 😎) and he looked ready to fight. His face was one of annoyance and his fists were clenched. He walked over to me and whispered, "Jump back in two secs." I counted to two and Cap shouted another spell.

"Quicksand!" Around him and the girl (who I still was pissed at because she had beat me) quicksand quickly spread. I got out of its radius just in time, but she wasn't so lucky. She stood there trying to move.

"That's annoying! Demon Fury!" She shot red waves at Cap, but he stood still and they barely broke his skin. From above, Aries landed behind her. She must have sensed him as she tried shooting more red waves at him.

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