Chapter 5: Scorpio

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Well, another person, besides Leo, that I now hated.

Stupid Eran.

Not to mention Taurus looked head over heels for him. That, for some reason, made a monster roar inside of me. I wanted to punch his stupid face. He was everything she liked. Good-looking, powerful and dominant. Just like stupid Leo...

And, if he wasn't OP as he was, he then got granted access to fucking magical golden, hand punchy things! How I hated him. He summoned the golden light and we all saw it - even the stupid mountain Leo decided to fight with. For a moment, the mountain looked worried, but replaced the face with one of aggression and violence. He charged, his family cheering him on. Although, I noticed one or two looking st him in fear. They were beginning to pack their belongings up.

Eran nimbly dodged the two axes swung and punched him. "Lions, Golden Fist!" Eran shouted. What the hell? Then I realised, it was like a magical chant because the golden light on his fist grew larger and brighter. The mountain had no chance - he went flying into his family members. They all stayed down.

"Now, which of you wants to fight?" He asked cockily. Me and the Zodiacs just stood there. They looked as confused as I was. Some of the other family members were coughing, some were just there. But none had the balls to take the challenge of Eran, Mountain Slayer. Some of the older ones groggily got up and started walking away with the others on their shoulders.

I noticed, after looking at the mountain for one last time, that I forgot my knife. So, in order to rectify my forgetfulness, I strode over to the unconscious male and pulled the knife right out of where I stuck it in him. One of his brother (or uncles, or cousins) started shouting in some weird language. "No, I wanted my knife." He carried on shouting.

"I," I said, pointing at myself, "wanted, my, knife."

"Shut up! You devil speaker!" His English was poor. What was a devil speaker? He then walked away with the big guy.

"Whatever," I shrugged and walked back over to the other Zodiacs.

I was happy to see Sag starting to smile again. Gemini was talking again, unfortunately. Aquarius and Libra were talking to Aries. It looked like they were explaining to the dim-witted grey haired pyromaniac what had happened before. The person I most wanted to know about was Taurus. I walked over to her, while she was talking to Ermac or whatever his name was.

"So, could you come to the campfire?" She asked. "There'll be absolutely delicious food." Same old Taurus. Always focused on food. But, I was pissed that she was asking some stranger to come to our campfire. All he did was save Leo's life - nothing that important.

"Nah, sorry Taurus. Can't come. Maybe next time." Score!

"Oh," Taurus replied looking heartbroken. Well, that made the victory less sweeter.

"It doesn't matter Taurus," I said, deciding to help her. "He must have important matters to attend to." I glared at him.

"Well, I may not come, but at least I tried saving Leo's life. He is your leader after all."

"He's not my leader," I spat. Pah! Leo! My leader? I'd kill the bastard.

"A soldier, not protecting his commander. Not something you see every day. Well, at any rate, I can't come. Thanks for the offer and all, but I gotta be somewhere."

"Exactly where?" I questioned. Taurus face was in my shoulder now. I could feel that she would be crying again. I knew I'd be there for her. I maybe cold, but I wasn't a downright dick, like fucking Ermac or whatever his name is! From the corner of my eye, I saw Aquarius looking angry. What was wrong with her?

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