Chapter 48: Aries

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I was sitting on Leroy, in the corner by myself, just thinking about the events of yesterday.

I had escaped when all the guys were in our changing room. I couldn't bare to stay any longer with those who I put so much pressure. If I hadn't been an idiot, we would've had a year! Not just seven days!

But, some dude called Odin came and spoke to me. "Everything happens for a reason," he had said. First, Gemini, then Leo and now this dude kept saying those stupid words!

I felt like punching something but Leroy didn't deserve it and he'd probably knock me off.

And I knew why I had told the Zodiacs to disband. Because I was a quitter and didn't see things through.

But this time, I knew I would see this mission through to the end. If for not my sake, but for theirs...

I cleaned my fists, but after a moment lay down on my back. I was still feeling a little tired. We had woken up at dawn and now we were just flying aimlessly around. Waking up early always was usually hectic for us, but due to the importance of our task, everyone tried calming down. It kinda worked. We still set off about and hour late.

But still, I reckoned that I had the time. Though, no sooner did I close my eyes, Jackie slapped me.

"OW!" I said, waking up with a jolt. "You didn't have to do that! Just a simple, 'wake up,' would have sufficed."

"Are you helping us or not?" She asked, with a little smile on her face.

"Yeah, whatever."

I stood up and walked over to Leo. He was sitting down on Leroy's head and was thinking furiously.

"Leo, come back here!" I yelled. He turned around and saw me, but didn't move. I would have yelled again hadn't he stood up and came onto Leroy's back.

"What d'you want?"

"Just wondering if you think you have the answers yet." He shook his head sadly. I noticed his orange eyes and light brown (not ginger!) hair were sagging gave him and immensely tired look. It looked like had no sleep!

"I can't seem to think!" He yelled angrily. "What happened a year ago, with an encounter that didn't change my life and in our first ever mission."

Virgo and Capricorn approached.

"Still not figured it out yet?" Virgo asked, though she perfectly knew the answer.

"D'you two know of our first ever mission?" He asked them, ignoring Virgo's question.

"The Everstone?" Cap asked. "Who did you encounter there?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe that JC guy or whatever. Maybe his name was JD?" Leo shook his head. "It might be in Serbai. Where the Everstone is!"

"No its not, you idiots. Think about it. Talaanz couldn't fight us for long because he had to return to his birthplace. And our first ever mission was to get me and Gemini married, weren't it?"

The three looked shocked and nodded slowly.

"I can be clever if I wanted to..." I muttered, as Libra and the others huddled around.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"We're finding out where Talaanz's birthplace is," Virgo said.

"But, what encounter did you have, Leo, that didn't change your life. Who did you meet, like specifically?" Cap asked him. Leo again narrowed his eyes and thought furiously.

Realisation met his and Libra's eyes. Both their eyes sparkled and they yelled, "That stupid rat-like prince!"

"Oh yeah!" Sag said. "The one that spat at you Leo. And he tried taking you somewhere, with me and Scorpio following!" She fell back in laughter.

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