Chapter 34: Virgo

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After Leo said his little joke, he went back under with Cancer and started preparing tactics to make sure our boat wasn't destroyed from below deck. The rest of us, excluding Scorpio and Taurus, were around a massive table, that had a map of the Lazara Area.

The world map and been under it, but this map showed us a closer and easier position of where were we were. I estimated that we were just about a quarter into our journey.

There were also four boats on it. I was pretty confident only three ships were chasing us, and using Cancer's ability of sensing different objects in the ocean, I also knew where each of them roughly were. The three ships were quite large; large enough to hold around six or seven small figures on each.

That was great to pitch my battle plan.

"So, we've got Leo, Cancer and Pisces below deck. Personally I would've want to have one of the latter two to be fighting on their boats. But, they're too scared and I can't risk their fear causing their death," I started.

"So, if they have any water specialists, were almost completely screwed then?" Jackie asked. Me and Cap both shook our heads.

"Not necessarily. It's just a disadvantage," he stated.

"And with my mastery of wood, I'll be able to hopefully mess their boats up and get them overboard. But, we're gonna need at least one more of us to stay here, for long rage assistance. Of course, who else but Sag? Your long range capabilities will really help us," I said turning to her.

"I'll do whatever it takes to help the team," she said, nodding.

"Well the six of us will have to go into twos. It'll be also good to know that there'll be two smaller brigs and a massive galleon. The galleon will be harder to take, but as soon as we take out the two smaller brigs, we'll have to take that out quickly. It's long rage shooting will hurt us and that's where Sag comes in again."

"Yeah, I'll have to keep its mortars shots away from us, as well as helping Leo and the others on the deck."

"That's why your pivotal for this win," Cap said. "The rest of us, except the Air Signs aren't really long ranged fighters. And cos we need the Air Signs to fly to the ships as its a possibility that we're gonna have to go to them, your a great person to have right now."

"Aw, thanks Cap, I didn't know you cared." Sag gave him a quick peck on the cheeks and Cap sighed.

"Well, I do want to live. Even though, we've got a slim chance of pulling this off, we're gonna have to use all our assets to pull through. Now, onto what we're gonna do..."


We quickly formed our plan and I was one of the people on the big galleon. Our plans were hurt a bit as the two smaller brigs actually got close and tried flanking either side. So, we decided to shoot our cannons at them, as we also had quite a sturdy brig.

All I can say is: thank goodness for that money we received from Caps advisor.

I would be flying with Libra to the galleon. Libra and me was a good partnership I felt, as we complemented each other's styles. The others coming with us would be Aquarius (thanks to her Storm being one of her elements) and Jackie for no apparent reason.

As the brigs slowly got level with us, I decided it was a good time to fly off, while we weren't in their line of view. They would be focused on the ship, not the things flying over it.

We flew quickly, as if we were the elements of speed and precision. Within at least two minutes, we had quickly arrived at the galleon, who's mortar shots weren't troubling Sag as of right then. That wouldn't be the case if we took too long, so I made sure I made my presence felt when I let go Libra's hand.

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