Chapter 3: Gemini

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Congratulations," Sag shrieked at no one in particular, "You fucking killed Leo!"

"Who, me?" I asked.

"No, the fucking bench! Of course you!" Aqua sarcastically remarked. She sighed, as if I was being some sort of idiot.

How was I supposed follow when Aqua was sarcastic? She was like the Queen of sarcasm!

Besides, how's it my fault Leo went and tried to get himself killed?

"Well, technically, I didn't kill Leo. He went and got himself killed, but that big guys gonna kill him so is he gonna kill Leo? I don't know! Capricorn or Virgo would know, probably." I shrugged.

"Calm down! Aqua, go get Scorpio," Libra said, taking the lead for once. Aqua immediately blushed and I cackled inside. What a virgin!

"Sag, contact Virgo and tell her we're gonna need a emergency carriage and fast."

"How about me? I don't like to left out, but I'm not really left out am I? I started this whole thing, or was it Leo for being stupid for taking on a guy who would kill him with a simple touch?"

Sag looked like she was ready to kill me. 

'That would really help Leo! Maybe I should point it out!' I thought. But, before I could, Libra told me to, "Shut up and enjoy the show." So that's what I did.

Leo didn't start badly. The guy asked him questions like, "Why you punch? You want dead? Well, I give you dead!" Well, the last saying wasn't a question, but I'm just so hyper. But, I calmed myself down and watched the fight. So, I knew Leo was gonna lose and so I played a guessing game. How many bones broken? All of them. How many bruises? At least all over his body. How would he die? Most likely decapitation. The guy had a mean axe.

I did want to help him, but I knew I would be less than useless. And I didn't want to die yet.

After Leo ducked under a punch, I realised that it was a one vs one and that the other guys family members didn't enter the fight. I wondered why and then realised. Leo was such a easy win. They didn't need to jump in. When I told Sag, she gave me another 'death' look. I really should've pointed out to her that looking like she was gonna kill someone would help Leo, but I remembered what Libra had said, 'shut up and enjoy the show'.

Leo jumped over a low kick and quickly jabbed the big guy. He didn't look the least bit hurt. He grinned and Leo caught him square in the jaw. The guy didn't even buckle over so Leo did the only logical thing (well, the only logical thing for the Pride Of The Jungle), he kicked him in the nuts. The guy buckled over and Leo kicked his face. The behemoth fell over, but quickly rose again and this time, he punched Leo. Leo flew a few feet and landed on his back.

"Leo!!" Sag screamed. He was too busy writhing in pain to actually respond. Wow, my talking made him do this and now he was gonna die. I felt bad, but forced myself to watch on. He could win...... I doubted it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Leo shouted. The Behemoth hoisted him up and threw him again. "Aaargh! Son of a bitch."

At this point Sag was gonna run in to help, but Libra held her back. But where were Aqua and Scorpio?" We needed them and badly. Even someone stupid like Taurus or Capricorn would help right about now. Leo didn't look good. Where the Behemoth had punched him, he was badly bruised on his jaw. The Behemoth raised his fist and was about to finish the job, but Leo rolled through his legs and kicked his back.

"Fuck you! This is our spot!" Leo screamed. Looking back, I thought he was a stupid idiot, who fought just because I hurt his pride. But now, I realised, Scorpio would try to kill them all, I would just annoy them and get all three of us beat up and Leo wasn't much of a prankster. He was more of a straight fist fight type of guy. He also had to prove himself to us. He was always talking about how cool he was and how strong. This gave him the chance to prove it.

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