Chapter 55: Libra

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I woke up with a jolt. I was feeling dizzy, my head was light and my vision was fuzzy, though after a minute or so, it returend to normal.

I sat up slowly and looked at the sky, seeing that the sun was setting just over the horizon, it's golden rays piercing the evening sky.

It was honestly beautiful.

It only distracted me for a moment, however, as I soon came crashing back down to earth, remembering everything that had happened in our fight with Talaanz.

We were in a bad spot... the Sword broke... Aries and Scorpio slicing Talaanz across his wretched chest and....and.... 'Leo's sacrifice,' I thought, a tear coming out of my eye.

"Libra?" A female voice asked. I turned to see it was Virgo, with the rest of the Zodiacs, Eran, Rose and Jackie following her.

"What?" I asked, wiping a tear off my face. Scanning through the Zodiacs I saw that they all looked unhappy and distressed too. After all, Leo wasnt among them.

Even Scorpio looked solemn!

"You okay?" Sag spoke, sitting down next to me and pulling me into a hug.

"I...I don't think so," I cried into her shoulder.

"Don't worry," Sag whispered, "It'll all be alright." Pulling out of the hug, she looked at me and I saw that she had been crying as well. Her eyes were red and there was evidence of tears on her face.

We stood up and I looked around at all the rubble. The whole castle was in ruins and most of it had fallen down into the cavern below, where we had fought Talaanz. Leo would probably be below half the rubble....his face probably unrecognisable...I felt tears coming again.

Wiping them away, I began listening to Aries as he spoke, "We should look for his body," he said, in a saddened voice. His face was solemn and he seemee like the opposite of the happy, carefree Aries who liked blowing stuff up.

We all nodded to what he had to say.

"On the bright side, the world didn't blow up," Cap said, looking around. He gave the impression that he wasn't affected, but you couls tell he misses Leo as much as the rest of us.

"Cap, we don't care about the world at this moment of time," Sag told him. "Unless the world can bring back Leo..."

"I was just trying to offer a moment of reprieve," he said, head bowed.

"Yeah, well don't!" Sag snapped. Aries grabbed her and pulled her to his side. He shook his head at her, signalling the end of the fight.

"Let's just find that dumbass lion," Scorpio grumbled turning away. "We're having words when we next see him," he growled, and as the others all looked confused at him as he walked away and began searching, I knew Scorpio shared my dreams - that Leo was somehow alive.

"We may as well help him. There's a lot of debris," Pisces noted.

All of us nodded and began to search.


After about an hour of searching, I was beginning to lose hope of finding his body. I was too weak to use my Air Magic, so had to resort to use my hands to lift rubble out of the way.

Eran was stood behind me the whole time, his arms crossed and not a helpful hand in sight. As I dropped a stone for the umpteenth time, because it was too heavy for me to lift on my own, I turned to him.

"Can you not at least help?"

He shrugged. "What are you looking for?" He cooly responded.

"You know exactly who I'm - " He cut me off as I was standing up.

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