Chapter 18: Scorpio

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Since Eran, Rose and Hercules were meant to be protecting us, that basically meant that we had to live at Virgo's. I didn't mind. I lived alone, so I instantly moved in.

Some of the others however, weren't so lucky. Pisces nearly got called home when he told his parents he had to live at Virgo's. His parents strangely liked me, so when I said I'd have his back, they let him stay.

It took forever to convince Aries's mum and dad to let him stay. We said he was hit by a carriage and so he was recovering at Virgo's house. They obviously wanted to visit their son and we had to agree.

After they met Eran and Rose, the 'doctors' caring for Aries, they agreed to let him stay.

It had been a few weeks since Aries fully recovered and now, we were going out of the country because someone had to speak to us about our powers and such. He leaded some sort of Mage coven where Eran, Rose and Hercules trained in and where they grew up.

During the weeks Aries recovered, Eran, Rose and Hercules would be our teachers. They taught us about the Paths - a way of Magic people devoted to following the Zodiac followed. Each Path had 3 routes. These were the Elemental Path, the Origin Path and the Word Path.

The Elemental Path was, of course, our element. To those who didn't know that, congratulations your so clever. We each had a path that represented our element. So, I used water and Leo used fire as that reflected our sign. There was also a second element. This second element was unique to our Path. My unique element was poison, which seemed like a pretty cool element.

The Origin Path was like the 'Superpowers' Path. This Path enabled us to utilise a superpower that was unique to our Path. For example, even though me and Pisces were both Water Signs, my superpower was Sense Sensation, while his was Invisibility.

Now, most people would look at that and think Invisibility was way cooler and more effective. Effective for sneaking in to places and stalking, that is.

Sense Sensation was extremely effective for torture. It could lower your tolerance to pain, so even a touch could make you feel like you were banging your head against a concrete wall.

The third Path was the Word Path. This one is tricky to explain. It's basically magic, that revolved around the use of our Zodiac. For example, the move Eran used when he saved Leo's arse, Lions Golden Fist. However, each of the Elemental Sign have a different name and type.

Let me explain.
Us Water Signs used the Moon Word Path, which revolved around our Zodiac and 'soul magic.'
The Fire Signs used the Sun Word Path, which revolved around the use of their Zodiac and 'light magic.'
The Earth Signs used the Ground Word Path, which revolved around the use of their Zodiac and 'energy magic.'
The Air Signs used the Sky Word Path which revolved around the use of their Zodiac and 'spirit magic.'

That's the best I can do, but you'll find out later as things go on.

Now, apparently we were 'special' (also, apparently, our background would be explained later). As we were the 'special' we could utilise all the Paths within our Zodiac, whereas a normal Magician could only follow one of the Paths. I don't know how we were special but it'd be explained later. So, Rose could only follow Cancers Elemental Path, but Cancer himself could use the Elemental, Origin and Moon Word Path.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I'm not even explain the chaos that was when we had to convince the Zodiacs parents to go abroad. I didn't even know what the individual excuses were. Yeah, that's right. We needed INDIVIDUAL EXCUSES because all the parents somehow wanted a fucking different reason than the last.

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