Chapter 4: Taurus

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I'm not one to usually diss the others, but even I have to admit, Leo's pretty dumb. He's so damn brash and reckless - two of the worst combinations. But, I had to say, he was fearless, or maybe just plain stupid. Hopefully the first one. When Sag alerted Virgo, we didn't get the message. Her earpiece was set to private, which was just great for us. When Virgo stopped talking to Sag on the earpiece, she gave us a grave look.

Now, I'm not one to usually be pessimistic, but her face told me something was seriously wrong.

"What's wrong?" Asked Pisces. The weird daydreamer of us - I thought he was cute in all honesty. What was so wrong about him daydreaming?

"It's Leo," Virgo responded.

"What's the knucklehead done now?" I asked, not surprised. Maybe he tried to race a carriage and broke a leg? He had done it before.

"Taurus, Pisces, get Aries and quickly go to Sag."

"Why? What's wrong? Is Leo okay?"

"Not really, that's why your taking Aries. Take a carriage - Jonas will drive you and get there as fast you can!"

"Where though?"

"Don't worry, Jonas knows where, just tell him to get to Leo. He's in serious trouble."

"What's wrong?"

"His life's at stake - now stop asking stupid questions and go help him!" With that Virgo dismissed us and we quickly ran to get Aries.

"What was that all about?" I asked Pisces.

"Don't know," he shrugged, "But, we have to do as the Boss Lady says!" With that he ran off. I casually jogged after him, because as I said before, I'm just too lazy.

"Aries!" I heard Pisces shout. I was slow and out of breath, so I let Pisces to the talking.

"I was thinking that we could get exotic dancers and - " Aries looked at us. "What do you want?" His blonde hair was spiky and his light skin and big eyes really brought out his blue eyes. His muscular body was currently holding a wooden dagger and pointing at the sky like he was hero. Whatever floats his boat, I guess.

"Leo's gonna die, now hurry and help!"

"What bullshit are you saying? Leo's perfectly fine. If he wasn't, he would have contacted me."

"Well, Sag contacted Virgo and told her. Leo's about to die and if your not coming with us, I'll kill you myself. He may be a cocky and arrogant bastard, but he's your best friend! Now, are you coming?"

"Alright, alright. But if you're lying..."

"If I'm lying you can have all my snacks for the campfire," I finished. It then quickly dawned on Aries I wasn't lying and he quickly ran towards us.

"How about the planning, Aries?" Cancer asked.

"Shut up, Cancer! Leo needs me!" Aries aggressively said. He turned the corner and I saw Capricorn give Cancer a sympathetic look. He went over and comforted him.

"Why'd you have to do that for, eh Aries? Do you want me to slap you!?" I threatened. With that I began to work. I hated how he thought he could disregard everyone!

"What the hell, Taurus! Your the one that said if he dies, I'm screwed! Now, are you coming?!"

"I don't want to now. I need food and I want a apology."

"For what!?" responded Aries. He was beginning to get mad and I didn't want to take him over the edge. But, he needed to learn a lesson.

"Aries, I think he means the way you shouted at Cancer," Pisces explained. He had a weird child like voice that made him say everything matter-of-factly.

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