Chapter 2: Aquarius

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Hey guys, well the next chapter of the story is going to be narrated by me, Aquarius. I don't think Cancer gave me enough screen time in the last chapter, so I feel like announcing myself to everyone involved.

Moving on, we quickly finished up at Virgos house, though I would have liked to stay for longer and chill in her jacuzzi. Honestly, the feeling of being in it was amazing! Virgo herself though was a bit of a stick in the mud - she wouldn't let us use the carriages so unfortunately me, Sag and Libra had to walk. My feet started to hurt after a few minutes.

"Ow," I complained for like the hundredth time. Libra finally sighed and put on a forced smile.

"What's wrong Aqua?" Asked Libra. She was always so nice, even when I knew she was forcing herself.

"My feet are killing me," I replied glumly.

"Don't worry, we'll buy you new shoes that won't hurt as much," Sag assured me. "We'll just use the money Virgo gave us," she shrugged.

"But that's not ours - "

"Don't worry, Libra," Sag calmed her down. "Look at all the money Virgo has. She won't miss a few more dimes. Now, come on, we got some shopping to do!" With that, Sagittarius skipped off, forcing us to run so we could catch up to her.

After we bought new clothes and shoes, we decided to finally buy the camping equipment. As we needed more help, Virgo sent Taurus and Pisces to help us. We weren't sure if more than one of them should have come, but Virgo assured us that the others were doing just fine. We agreed, though Sag wasn't too happy about it; she didn't like Taurus that much.

Virgo brought a carriage to where we were. Her butler, Jonas was driving. "Hello, ladies. Need help?" The mid twenties, blonde haired and green eyes handsome man asked. My heart gave a loud thump when he smiled at us. He wasn't as sexy as Scorpio, but I liked him a lot.

"H-he-hey," I finally stammered. Sag, always so confident started talking the rest.

"Yeah, you could," she said to him in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Hey, you could put me in the back as well," giggled Libra.

"I would, but I think I'd be fired, don't you think Aquarius?" He laughed. I blushed at him mentioning my name.

"Yeah, I-I gue-guess," I replied trying so hard to keep my cool. It was so hard. Even though I was only 18, one of the youngest of the Zodiacs, I still really liked him.

"Yeah, well, let me give you a hand," he said. With that, he began to pack our things.

After he packed everything, we asked him could we go back with him.

"Nah," he replied, chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Asked Sagittarius. I had a feeling she was irritated by that response looking at her face.

"It's just, basically - " he just cracked up. His laughter didn't please Sag.

"What? Tell us dammit!"

"Sag, shut up, leave the hotty alone," said Libra, trying to calm her down.

"Yeah, Sag it's not nice," added Pisces. Pisces was also cute, but he was like a little brother to me.

"Nah guys, leave her, it's alright. Basically, Virgo knows about you using some of the money that she gave you to buy new clothes, shoes and booze. And did I hear talk of a few cigs?" He chuckled again.

"How did you know?" Sag looked flabbergasted.

"Hmm, maybe because our headphones were on, dammit." She looked at her ear piece and saw a green light.

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