Chapter 21: Libra

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"Shockwave!" I shouted. A sphere of green energy appeared in my right hand and I threw it at the wooden post. The sphere exploded and let out a blast of air that destroyed everything within a five meter radius.

Because my reserves were so small, I collapsed on one knee. "That's good," Rose shouted. "Just keep going at it. It's like excercise, the more you do it, the more resistance you build up and you'll be able to keep going for longer."

"Thanks from the advice," I called back. I threw some dirt off my skirt and stood once again. "Aright Libra! Once again!" I shouted to myself. My left hand held my right wrist and I concentrated on rotating the air into a green sphere again.
It started to form and I started to smile.

Unfortunately for me, it spun so fast it exploded in my hand. I flew ten feet in the air and landed on my butt. I'm so weak. Can't even use a simple air spell, I thought to myself.

I stayed on the floor, trying to regain myself. "Spirit Heal," I whispered. A green circle appeared around me. Instantly I started to feel rejuvenated again. I stood again and tried using Shockwave. The green sphere was in my hand, but again, it was out of my control and blasted me away.

"Fucking hell!" I shrieked. "Why am I the weak link?" I put my head in my lap, when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I was surprised to see Hercules.

"We all think we're the weak link," he told me. "However, the true weak link is one that fails their teammates. Never forget that." I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes.

"I won't forget. I promise you that much." He helped me up and told me to get some water and have a break. I thanked him graciously and sat down next to Capricorn.

"How come you aren't training?" I asked him. I took a seat and put my water on the table. A few strands of my hair were in front of my eyes so I blew them back into place.

"I could ask you the same thing," he curtly replied, looking at me strangely.

"I was overworked. Too tired to continue, so Hercules told me to get some rest. Now, how bout you? You can tell me babe," I added, giving him a flirtatious wink.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and replied, "I kinda failed in my training."

"How'd you mean?" I asked, moving closer to him. He twiddled his thumbs, so I knew he was nervous. Whenever Capricorn did something bad or he was nervous, he usually twiddled his thumbs. "I kinda, may have, well, sort of-"

"Sort of what?" I pled. I made a pouting and he coughed and said something. "What?" I repeated, using my seductive tone. It worked like a charm.

"I kinda had to lift a tree for Eran, saw a spider, freaked out, lost my iron scales and dropped the tree on my leg." He smiled at me sheepishly.

"But you're legs look normal," I replied. There was no sign of cuts bruises on them. His pants weren't even ripped!

"Yeah, but, Rose healed me. Eran thought my training was done for the day and that I should 'learn to control my stupid fears'." I laughed. He imitated Erans voice perfectly. He burst out laughing as well. Unfortunately, Eran thought we both failed our training and sent us inside.

"What a dick!" I laughed as went inside.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not forgiving him any time soon," Capricorn said. "But speaking of forgiveness, I won't forgive myself if I don't shower! See ya around," he said.

"Bye Capricorn," I said as he walked away. After he made the corner, I hurried to my room. Capricorn reminded me I needed a shower! I ran in my room and saw my roommate, Scorpio, was already there. He had his back to me and was doing something on his gauntlet.

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