Chapter 20: Aries

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"No way!" I shouted. It was the day after and the surprise Eran had said, was actually Zelphar!

"Yes way Aries. You didn't expect me?"

"For jack we did. I thought you were some priest trying to unite people in 'holy matrimony'." Zelphar chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked angrily. Seriously, this guy went from priest, to magician within seconds!

"I am a Priest. A Priest of the Magicians. Sometimes known as the Starry Heavens." Zelphars tone was calm. His face remained kind and welcoming, but I sensed something inside of him, but I couldn't lay my finger on it. Something was wrong. Especially wrong with that name! I couldn't help it. Nether could Leo. We both burst out laughing while Pisces, Gemini and Virgo gave us disapproving looks.

"Intimidating name," Scorpio muttered. Zelphar, however, seemed to have heard and chuckled. "Thank you for that insightfullness. However, the name isn't for intimidation and fear. We just seek to survive in today's society."

"What'd you mean? We saw at least a hundred magicians on the way here," Capricorn asked. He pointed at the few magicians around us to strengthen his point. Zelphar just sighed deeply.

"Yes, but compared to the worlds millions, our few thousand is small in comparison, isn't it? Look around you, do you feel the whole worlds population would be able to fit into this one hall?" When I thought about it, he was right. A few thousand vs millions - that was totally unfair.

To keep myself distracted I looked around the room. We were stood in a circular room, made of golden brown stones was large enough to hold at least a few hundred. A blue crystal was located right in the middle on the ceiling, which was shaped like a dome. It was highly reminiscent of our previous break-in...

The only difference was that in the middle of the room was a large thrown. It was mostly red in colour, with blue around it. Green vines were scattered around the arm rests and the seat of the thrown. To top it all off, white, arrow like protrusions came out of the back of the thrown. All in all, it looked like a elemental chair, which looked more on the scary side.

It was in the centre of the room and placed upon a stone slab - Zelphar sitting on its edge. He hadn't moved from that position since we entered the room a few minutes ago.

"Well, no, but you can't say that the whole world can fit into one place. Surely there's more areas like this?" Virgo asked. Her and Cap were like the investigators. They kept asking questions.

"You're right in that there is more places like this. However, there aren't not much left. In the 305 countries of this world only 65 Domos remain." I was confused to what Domos were. I would've asked but guess who beat me to it? You probably guessed right. Virgo and Capricorn.

"What's Domos?" Capricorn and Virgo asked at the same time.

"It means Houses in the old tongue. The language you will learn in your studies soon enough.

"We have to learn a damn language?" Me, Leo and unusually Taurus spoke out loud. I didn't really care for their reasons, but mine was simple. I hated learning things, unless it was useful. Like making a bomb, or learning how to kill a  bear with your bare hands. That'd be pretty useful.

"Yes, you must learn the language. It is for your benefit. Ancient ruins and magician places will all use this language. Not being able to speak or even at least read it, will be a major blow."

"But why would we go to some stupid ancient ruins?" Scorpio asked. Zelphar looked behind us at Eran, who had been standing silently listening to the whole ordeal. "You haven't told them?"

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