Chapter 58: Sagittarius

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We had sailed for a day, before we finally had come to our, 'destination.' Though, I must admit, it was worth the wait!

I was in the crows nest, just sitting there, writing Cancer a letter. It was a sad letter, but one I hoped he would understand. My enjoyment wasn't being fulfilled in this relationship, and it was driving me crazy. He forced me to be patient and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell him.

Personally, I felt sorry for Cancer. He didn't deserve to be broken up with like this, but I couldn't do it to his face. I was still weak in that sense. 

As I was writing the letter, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it.

Land! But not just any land, it was a private island! I was really excited. Not just about the mansion, but for the forest behind it!

The buried treasure would be mine (if there was any)!

"Land!" I called down to the others. The others looked up at me, bored looks on their faces.

"Are you sure it's land?" Capricorn wearily asked.

"Of course I am!! Look for yourselves!" I pointed to where the island was, but the others didn't move.

"You said that the last three times!" Leo yelled.

"Yeah, Sag, even your jokes get boring sometimes," Aries said.

"Shut up, Aries! My jokes aren't boring! And this one isn't even a joke!!" I complained. The others simply shrugged.

"Well, what do you expect when you've played the same prank on us three times?" Cancer smiled. 

I frowned. "Cancer, I'm not joking!"

"She's right," Scorpio said. "If you guys looked, you'd see she was telling the truth...finally," he added as an afterthought.

"I tell the truth all the time!" I retaliated. Scorpio shrugged.

"I'd rather not believe you," he simply said. 

'Bastard!' I thought. "Well, at least you know now I'm telling the truth," I said instead.

Slowly, they each looked over to where I had been pointing, but remain unconvinced.

"There's only fog everywhere," Virgo said. I climbed down from the crows nest, having enough of the shit they were saying.

"What fog!?....oh...." I said, as I saw they were right. They couldn't have seen anything - there was mist everywhere.

"Thanks for lying again, Sag," Aries said, sitting back down in a chair. "Can't believe we fell for it."

"You fell for it, not me," Leo said. "I knew she was lying all along."

Aries looked outraged.

"You went over to check as well! You told me to go with you to check!"

"No, that was you," Leo replied. "I remained skeptical and felt like I was being dragged along."

"Leo, I'd know if it was me! It was you!"

"And I've told you, it was you!"

"Both of you, shut up!" Taurus yelled. They shut up immediately. "Finally," she sighed, "Some piece and quite."

The weather was quite cold, but Taurus was still in a bikini. Apparently, she didn't really feel the cold and was burning. She was even sweating, so I assumed she wasn't lying.

"Well, why don't you guys go up and check?" I asked. The others didn't look like they wanted to, but Scorpio spoke, "She's not lying."

"How would you know?" Virgo asked him.

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