Chapter 36: Cancer

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I woke up on sand. At first, I thought I was back home in Raen, chilling on its sunny beaches, but this sand was far different from the one I was used to.

For a start, it was a darker colour, like it had been tainted. And every second I was on it, it felt like acid was creeping up my body.

"Damn," I muttered as I stood up. I remembered now that I was on a quest to save the world and had to be brave! But then I saw Darkmoon Tower and I nearly peed myself.

It was quite sunny, but seeing the Tower gave me chills that ran up and down my spine. It was a massive castle-like place, located on top of a mountain. It had a main, circular area that had about a dozen pillars holding the walls in place. Towards the summit, there was a small, colosseum like area, that had various bits of it broken off.

I was guessing at the top was a former battlefield and so I didn't want to go there, at all. Battling some stupid monster creatures or whatever wasn't my style. I preferred to hang in the back and provide moral support.

I heard a groan behind me, and turned around quickly. I though it was a rebel Sorcerer and was getting ready to run, but luckily, it was Leo. He wasn't badly beaten, but he did have a few cuts and bruises.

Behind him, was our ship, or the remains of it. Most of it was completely destroyed, with a few part of it here and there.the main part of the deck had been smashed and the remaining part simply bobbed up and down in the water. Our mat was compelled they totalled and I knew we wouldn't be going anywhere on this any time soon.

But we'd have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

For now, I went over to Leo and saw that he looked up at me. He looked at me with a blank face, and when he realised it was me, he simply said, "Hey, Cancer. D'you know where the others are?"

"No, but we could go looking for them," I replied.

"That's a very good idea," he said, standing up.

"But you know, they could be in that ship there," I said, pointing to the remains of our ship that we had known for a few hours. "They could be....they could be....." I couldn't bring myself to say the word.

"Don't say that! C'mon, you have to optimistic!  We'll go looking for them, I'm sure they all have survived," but his face did show he was a little worried.

We both decided to walk around the shoreline, looking for the others. I went around the left side of the shoreline, while Leo went round the right.

The others weren't the hardest to find, but I took care to be quiet, just in case some Sorcerer decided to pop out of nowhere and attack. It was safe and I found the others mostly because of their desires to complain about their injuries.

When we had got everyone together, Leo spoke up.

"We need to get in there and find some book that shows how to destroy Talaanz. It's a big and scary castle, but nothing we can't handle. We'll all go in twos just to be safe." Everyone agreed and started to find a pair.

I was obviously with Sag. This was evident by the fact that she instantly strode over to me, took my hand and raised it and then shouted, "Cancer's mine! Any objections?" No one raised their hand to her.

"Thanks guys," I muttered because I saw that no one really had my back. But, Sag was my girlfriend so that was probably the reason for it. We (no, just Sag) decided to walk in first so that we could choose where we wanted to go. She led the way and I followed, the two of us making small talk.

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