Chapter 37: Sagittarius

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"Well, this is AMAZING!!" I yelled. I ran over to the two treasure chests, opened them and found gold! I started hugging the money and trying to fit it all into my non-existent pockets.

"What are you doing Sag?" Aries asked. Along with him stood Cancer and Gemini.

"What does it look like I'm doing!?" I snapped. "I'm hugging the treasure," I said happily, hugging the treasure chest while the others looked at me with disregard. "Why are you guys staring at me like that?!"

"Is the stupid book there or not?" Aries asked.

"No it's not!" I yelled. "There's only beautiful gold here, yes there is, yes there is. And it's all mine! And you guys owe me 1000 yin if you keep staring at me like that!" Cancer and Gemini instantly looked away, while Aries stared at me, a bored look on his face.

"If the books not there, let's go. That golds not really worth anything with our current situation." He waved his hand and started walking away.

"Aries..." I muttered.

"What?" He asked, turning around. "You'd better not - OW! Why in the hell did you do that!?" He asked angrily, clutching his head, holding the bump where I had punched him.

"Treasure is the best! Remember that, you moron!"

"Whatever! I'm going, you lot can admire the stupid stuff if you want, but there's no way I'm staying," he said clearly, standing up. He looked over where we had come from, which was the walkway, and then looked at two other possible routes.

The first was a door that led outside. It wasn't locked or anything, but going outside meant that we were easier to attack. If a flying enemy was fighting us, we would be seriously screwed. That's why I was staying in the inside and going the other way.

It lead deeper into the castle and when I looked into it, I couldn't tell where the end of the passage was. It was kind of a risk, because we were easier to ambush - the dim lights were no advantage to us. At least outside we could clearly see, but there was bound to be more treasure inside, so that's where I stayed.

I walked through dark passage, Cancer at my side holding the treasure chest. It was pretty scary, seeing rats scurry around; the walls cracked as if someone had struck them with a blade.

There was a eerie silence as we approached the end of the passage, but fortunately, there was no group of skeletons waiting to ambush us or anything. There was only one way to go and that was left. I led the way, Cancer close behind. I could hear the money and treasure jiggling in the chest as he walked.

We turned the corner at the end of the passage, and I saw a massive set of stairs leading upwards. On the right there was a massive, dark wall, while on the left there was massive sized holes where Windows should have been and light was shining through, showing us the way.

Unfortunately, various skeletons were waiting for us as well.

"Well, this is annoying," I said, summoning fire in my hands. I heard Cancer squeal and felt sorry for the treasure....Cancer! I felt sorry for Cancer. If anything happened to him, I'd be crushed! (Also, hopefully he didn't drop any of the treasure).

"Volcano Burst!" I yelled, both my hands being surrounded in massive amounts of fire. I launched a massive burst of it and the skeletons simply jumped out of the way.

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