Chapter 54: Aries

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Our charge wasn't really working. The plan was to weaken him, so we could cast the Spell and destroy Talaanz one and for all.

It didn't work out like that at all.

We were attacking him, but weren't doing much damage. Even though Scorpio's team came to help us and looked seriously badass and on top of the world when helping us, their Magic was just as drained as ours.

Every time we struck Talaanz, it either didn't affect him or he deflected it onto the others.

Leo was doing the most damage, but that was mainly because the blade.  It improved his Magic tenfold, but he was easily the most tired.

After about five minutes of fighting Talaanz, we all stood together in a line in front of him. He spoke.

'Is that meant to intimidate me?'

"Oh, shut up!" Leo yelled back. "Purples a stupid colour!"

"Are you going to kill him with the lamest disses ever?" Scorpio asked, looking at him and shaking his head.

"Scorpio, leave him. We've got more important matters," Pisces said. The rest of us nodded. "So, who wants to start round 2?" He asked, as he began to start powering up.

I felt his energy spike and even saw his hair begin to glow and spike up for a brief second, but the power left him quickly.

"Damn, no Magic left in me," he muttered, bent over, hands on knees.

'I've had enough of standing around and simply staring at you. You're going to die now!' Talaanz yelled. He said it like it was a command and for the first time he used his true power.

A huge purple orb was fired at us from his hand and destroyed half the chamber on it's way to our destination. It was so large we wouldn't be able to dodge it...

I closed my eyes, and covered my face with my arms, ready to probably die. We had a good run, but it wasn't enough. Not this time...

I was surprised when I heard a huge explosion, but I hadn't been blown to smithereens. I slowly looked up at the projectile that Talaanz had threw at us. 

"What....what are you two doing here?" I asked, to the people who had saved our lives and also, probably the world.

The man spoke in his usual cold tone of voice. "You are now our enemies, but Talaanz is a bigger threat at the moment. So, stop standing around and cast the Spell."

"We need to put him in a weakened position - " Cap tried to explain, but was cut off by the female.

"You need to calm down. We've got this," she looked back and gave a small smile. She turned back to Talaanz and spoke again, "You ready, Eran?"

"Of course, he'll be no problem for us. Let's go!" He yelled and ran towards Talaanz, Rose on his heels.

"They won't be able to distract him for long," Virgo quickly spoke. "So we've gotta cast the Spell quickly."

"Are you doubting my students?" Another voice questioned. It was a voice of seriousness and authority, like he was a member of the army or something. Also, the voice was coming from the ground.

"Er..." was all Virgo could say.

Suddenly, sand started appearing from the ground. It started to grow of the ground, like a plant or a tree, and stopped coming when there was a slim line of sand, from thr ground to about 7 feet up.

Looking closely, you could see a human materialising from it. When he stood fully formed, I could barely tell who it was at first glance.

Then it hit me. The tanned skin, the bald head, those intimidating brown eyes and the heavily muscled body... it was the Pharaoh! Leader of the Starry Heavens and the last time we saw him he wanted to capture us. Probably not a good reunion then. 

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