Chapter 23: Pisces

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***One month later...***

"This is your crack team?" Asked Joseph Cabaye, looking at the eleven of us messing about. Joseph Cabaye, Commander of the prison that the Everstone was held in.

He walked in with Leo and Hercules, looking at us like we were just a bunch of stupid kids. Which we kinda were.

"Yeah, but trust me, they're good on the battlefield," Leo said, trying to assure him.

"Whatever you say," JC replied. The look on his face told me that he didn't completely trust us. He stood, there assessing what each of us were doing. Scorpio was sat on the statue, reading a book on 'Sex Positions - which ones are for you?' Libra, Aqua, Gem and Sag were flirting with some of the guards. Virgo (oh dear Virgo, why?) was testing out a electric baton along with Cap. Taurus was on the floor, complaining about food and Aries was dancing around, fire in his hands. Finally, Cancer and me, were just running away from Aries, acting like maniacs.

That's when Leo, Hercules and JC walked in.

We all quickly gathered into a straight line. "Sir, we heard there was talk of a rebellion amongst the Sorcerers and that they were coming for the Everstone. We were sent here to help, but first, could you please show it to us?" Leo asked, changing the subject. JC sighed and nodded.

"Follow me," he said, motioning us to follow him.

He led us down some dark corridors, that had eerie blue lights stained around them. I kept close to Scorpio - I knew he would have my back. After walking for about ten minutes, JC led us to a steel door. He put in a passcode, that he hid from all of us, and we entered the room.

The first thought that I had: This places is big. That was followed by: Damn, that stones big as well.

We were stood in a circular room, that had the same dark blue lights as before. In the middle, directly in the centre, hovering above the ground was the Everstone. It was about twenty feet tall and a ominous purple colour. Around it, I could sense my secondary element, lightning.

Looking closer, I saw that a monster was trapped in it. There was different shockwaves within the stones, that caused purple lightning. Put that together with the evil thoughts now in my head and you could see why I was scared shitless.

"This, if you couldn't tell, is it. It's perfectly safe in my opinion, my soldiers are more than capable of stopping some 'rebellion.'" He looked at us, like we were reinforcements that no one wanted - which, technically, we were.

"However, seeing as your here, I think it would be helpful, if you actually...helped."

"Yes sir, we will. Just let us get closer to the Stone," Leo said. "I need to check something."

"If you must," JC said. "However, be warned. The guards are trained specifically. One wrong move and they will fire, whether you like it or not, whether your friend or foe."

"I understand sir. Pisces, with me," Leo called. Why the hell had he called me? I instantly feared the worst, but on the short walk to Leo, my feelings changed and I felt braver. "Don't worry, I'm not sending you to death. I just feel like that you'll be able to hold the Lightning at bay while I inspect that stone," he whispered to me as I got close. I nodded and we set off toward it.

The force field couldn't be deactivated, so we got as close as we could. I felt the others watching us, anticipating something wondrous to happen. Nothing did. Leo simply put his hand on the force field and his hand went through. JC looked confused.

"As I thought! There's a traitor!" He called as he turned around. Suddenly lightning was fired at the both of us. I moved in front of Leo and deflected it into the floor. I saw where the shot had come from and saw the guard running away. The traitor.

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