Chapter 19: Cancer

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Sag held my hand during the whole of the plane ride. She was nice like that. Always smiling, laughing at my crap jokes and not pressuring me in bed. Some would say the best girlfriend ever. Even though I sometimes kinda acted clingy, she wouldn't mind. She was a dream girl come true!

That didn't mean I didn't love Scorpio anymore. I still loved him greatly.

Speaking of Scorpio, I heard his yell of joy coming from the bedroom. He was yelling? In joy? That sure as heck didn't sound like Scorpio. He was more commonly associated with evil laughter.

I decided to check on my fellow Water Sign. Mainly because I didn't want him to blow up the plane or something like that because his worst enemy and rival was on it. I wish I had a rival sometimes - it'd be cool, don't you think? Though, I wasn't cool in any way, shape or form, so I'd probably never have a rival.

I stood up and started walking toward the bedroom, Sag behind me.

"Where we going?" She asked. I sensed she didn't want to go. I knew just the thing.

"On a adventure," I replied simply. She immediately perked up and grinned. She just loved adventures. She normally went 'adventuring' with Leo or Aquarius (the former actually adventuring and the latter shopping).

We entered and surprised to see Scorpio and Virgo were hugging. I swear I saw Scorpio with a tear in his eye. That would be one of the only times I ever saw a tear from him.

As soon as they saw us, they quickly separated. "What'd you want?" Scorpio asked, in his usual cold demeanour.

"N-nothing. I-I thought I h-heard a noise and w-wanted to check I-if everything was all r-right," I replied. I always stammered around Scorpio now, because he knew of my feelings.

"Yeah everything's okay. Why wouldn't it be?" Scorpio replied. His brown eyes were focused on me - it was as if they were staring deeply within my soul to see if I still loved him. Not wanting to give anything away, I muttered a 'just checking' and left with Sag.

As we sat down, Sag decided to ask me some questions. "So, what's the real reason you went? Is Scorpio still the love of your life?"

"No, he's not Sag. You're the one for me," I replied, my ears going red as they always did when I was nervous.

"Aww. That's so sweet." She moved onto my lap and laid her head into my chest. We steadily went to sleep after that, cuddling in each others embrace.


We landed in Brazon the next day. I heard the place was like a jungle, but I wasn't expecting forest everywhere.

"Woah, theirs jungle everywhere," Sag noted.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious, I didn't notice all that green stuff," I replied, smiling. She knew I was teasing and she lightly punched my arm.

"For fucks sake, I just didn't expect Brazon to have so much. We're in civilisation and theirs jungle everywhere!"

"Well, it is Brazon, the country with the most rainforests in the world. To be honest, I wasn't surprised," Capricorn said, collecting some of his stuff from the headboard.

"Calm down, clever boy," Virgo replied, emerging from the bedroom. She looked great, in all honestly. Her hair was now long and curly and she had a tattoo of Scorpio on her lower back, just above her ass. She had showed it to us all, when she had it done. I thought it was kinda immature when it happened - they had only been going out three weeks!

I grabbed some stuff from the headboard and walked outside, just a few items in my hand. Our suitcases and stuff were going to be put into a carriage that would be taking us to 'the training ground'.

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