Chapter 10: Virgo

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So, Aries is risking his life, for fucking suits? If I didn't like Scorpio as much as I did, then seriously, I'd be setting Leo on him right now. He was cute and hot, but, like now, he could be a dick. Why would you fucking send in Aries, without alerting the others? Seriously, I shake my head.

"Calm down, Leo. For now, we gotta do as Scorpio says and get in that building." I tried calming him down, no point in fighting between ourselves. He seemed to understand what I said and, as weird as this sounds, a red/orange aura that I saw around him began to vanish. I was pretty sure I only saw it, so I kept quiet.

"Yeah, but, Aries. If anything happened to him, my best friend..." Leo went quiet. It was probably the hardest on him, not to mention me. The two guys I loved - Scorpio and Aries - were gonna come close to dying. Yes, I love them. Yes, I fucked Capricorn, but I don't love him.

Love to me, is someone you would lay your life down for, who you would do anything for, the one person you loved more than yourself. Even though technically I loved two people.

Sometimes I was so wierd and contradicting.

"Calm down babes. Virgo's right, we gotta get to the fourth floor. As tough as I might sound, we gotta let Aries do this. It's like his solo mission. You know, in one of them violent video games you two play," Sag said trying to reason with him. I, of course, agreed with her because she agreed with me.

"Yeah, Leo, listen to her." I tried helping and cheering him up, realising I needed cheering up as well.

"I understand, don't worry," Leo said. "Let's get our asses to that fourth floor." Leo, after that became a machine. Seriously, he worked ten times harder at everything, didn't rest at all. He was astonishing. No wonder she liked him.

"Understood, Captain," Taurus said. She was more of a follower, but only followed if she knew you were worthy of it. Leo somehow proved his worth to her, time back. Not sure how though....

Leo led the way, running at full speed, avoiding danger and masterfully crossing buildings. At the final one, where the parachute came into play, he waited for us. "Okay, Virgo, when do I release my parachute?" He asked us. The wind started to pick up in speed and strength-we could've fallen if we took too long.

"Basically, when you jump, you have to take into account, your angle of jump, how high you are and the winds. When you jump, jump forward so your momentum and velocity are maxed. Then, when you think your as fast and strong as you are release. Make sure you got your hand over the back-up lever, so if your primary parachute messes up, you won't potentially die! Did you get that?" Capricorn shouted.

"No, but I did get the gist of it. Trust my instincts! See ya on the other side!" He jumped and dived.

"Realistically, he's gonna die," I said.

"Oh, be quiet Virgo!! Where is he? I can't see him, dammit, where the fuck are you Leo!"

"I'm on the roof," he said on the intercom. "Hey guys!" We looked at him and he waved. He survived. Woah, someone as reckless as him would have surely died. How did he survive? That didn't mean I wasn't happy seeing him alive. I smiled, Sag sobbed with happiness. I then decided to jump before the winds got too strong.

"You know what you're doing Virgo?" Cap asked. That guy, sometimes, I think he's trying too hard.

"Yes, I know. Bye, love you all if I die!" I jumped....

It was the greatest feeling in the world. The roar of the wind, the coolness of the air and the sheer feeling. When I was sure my speed was at a maximum, I released the main parachute. It worked to perfection. Just because the wind was so strong, I released the backup parachute. I manoeuvred my way to the rooftop and was greeted by a hug from Leo.

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