So that's it? Pt. 1 (H.S)

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Y/n POV:

I've been waiting patiently all day for my wife Hailee to come home from work so we can celebrate our anniversary but it's nearing midnight and if she doesn't get home soon she'll miss it completely!

I mean it's only our fourth anniversary but it's still supposed to be a special day to spend with each other...

I know she's working hard on a new song so I'll let her off the hook for tonight but I still feel shitty especially since I cooked her favourite meal including dessert and set the table up all fancy. But she never came for dinner even though she promised to be home for lunchtime.

We waited til around seven PM for supper but eventually, Alex, our son got too hungry we had to eat without her. I've really been missing her these past couple of weeks, she's been missing every single family event to work and I know it's taking a toll on her but still, she could try and make it for one fun family dinner night. It's getting harder and harder to explain to Alex why his mom isn't around, even his teacher has expressed the fact that he mentioned she has been really busy and tonight he asked me and I quote. "Does mommy not love us enough to come for your anniversary? She's missing out on the special dinner!"

I love my wife but she needs to take a break and spend some time with her family for the love of God.

"Hey baby, why did you stay up until I got home?" Hailee asks in a quiet voice while she closes the door and places her bag down. I stare at her expectantly and she plops down next to me on the couch still trying to figure it out.

"Haha very funny Haizy, you know what day it is." I giggle cuddling up to her.

She nods and peppers kisses all over my face before whispering a quiet, "I love you" and resting her head on my shoulder. I raise my head to look at her waiting for her to tell me that of course she knows it's our anniversary and she's sorry for missing out on most of it but she doesn't.

I pull away and look at her in disbelief trying to stop any tears from escaping my eyes.

"Do you seriously not know what day it is Hailee?" I scoff feeling betrayed by the fact that she forgot our anniversary.

"I-uh it's June 24th??" She replies and I can tell she's getting worried since I barely ever call her Hailee usually it's Haiz, Haizy, Steinfeld or some other pet name.

"Check the fucking calendar," I mumble as tears start to slip down my cheeks. I turn around so she can't see them and head to our bedroom leaving Hailee standing there all alone and very confused.

Hailee POV:

Y/n seems really pissed so what could I have forgotten!? I walk over to our family calendar and search for the date. When I see what it says my heart almost stops, it has 'fourth anniversary with a big heart around it.

Shit, shit shit. Man, I've really fucked it up this time. I turn to look at the kitchen table and see my favourite meal packed up in the fridge with our favourite bottle of wine on the counter ready to be enjoyed at any moment.

I said I was coming home at lunch! She's been waiting all day for me!! Fuck.
I rush up to our bedroom and see Y/n sitting on the floor just staring at the ceiling. When she turns towards me she tries to wipe off her tears and pretend like she's fine but I run towards her and scoop her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry baby, I totally spaced on the date and I'm being the worst wife ever-" I start but Y/n stops me short by crawling into bed and turning away from me.

"It's fine, it's not that big of a deal anyways don't beat yourself up over it." She murmurs as I climb into bed next to her.

"It is a big deal lovey, I missed a really important date cause I was working and I'm really sorry Y/n/n," I whisper placing soft kisses on her neck. She shrugs and turns off the lamp.

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