Secretly in Love (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee struggle together in their secret relationship.

Y/n POV:

I scroll through another news report of Hailee and Josh letting out a groan as my eyes find a picture of them together. I knew it was a bad idea but Hailee was so stressed about our relationship I let her accept the deal. It was supposed to be a simple PR stunt: They would be seen together, people would speculate and then they would never interact again. It was only to take the heat off of Josh and his girlfriend? Ex-girlfriend? I don't know. It wasn't supposed to happen the way it did.

"Y/n, baby, I'm home!" Hailee calls, closing the door behind her. I sigh to myself and turn off my phone, getting up to go greet her.

"Hey." I greet her quietly, trying to muster up a more convincing smile. Apparently, I'm not convincing because her face falls and she frowns at me.

"Is everything all right?" She asks, taking off her shoes and placing her bag carefully on the hook. As soon as she's placed everything in her arms down she moves towards me and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah, yeah." I lie, placing a peck on her cheek and intentionally dodging her kiss. "I'm just really tired today." My words seem to suffice because she lets go of me and cups my cheeks.

"Aw, my poor baby, you're working too hard." She coos, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You need to take a break and relax for once." She adds sweetly before pulling back and sighing. "I'm not having a great time either."

"Where were you before you got home?" I ask casually.

I already know.

I can see her swallow slowly and she rolls her shoulders back... Like she does while preparing for a scene.

"I was out for dinner with some friends, didn't I already tell you?" My heart sinks and I look down at the ground.

"Oh, yeah, I must've forgotten," I reply, still not making eye contact with her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hailee asks again, reaching out for my hand. I take a deep breath and look up.

"Actually, I'm not," I confess, catching Hailee's attention immediately. She looks at me with a concerned look on her face, her eyebrows furrowed as her lips pull down into a pout.

"What's up Y/n/n?" She asks. If I didn't know Hailee better I would say her voice sounded innocent and genuine but I do know her, very well, and I know that her voice is filled with guilt.

"Why did you lie to me?" I ask carefully, trying to sound firm and serious. My voice ends up sounding like an insecure teenager. Great.

"About what?" She asks, sounding more nervous this time. I know she knows, and now she knows that I know.

"Dinner." She takes a deep breath and I take a step back from her. "I saw the photos, Hailee, you told me it was a one-time thing and then just a follow-up. You told me that it was done and then I find out from fucking TMZ that you went out for dinner with him!" I started calm but by the end, I know I'm yelling.

"I was planning on telling you I just-" I scoff.

"You were planning on telling me, hmm? Really Hailee? Do you think that I'm fucking stupid?!" I yell, throwing my hands up in the air. "Do you know how much I hate seeing him near you? I've always supported you in everything, but it's been three years and you haven't even taken a single step towards telling, well, anyone. I love you, but I need to see some sort of progress. You can't keep stringing me along and telling me how "You'll tell them soon" I'm not your fans asking when you're releasing new fucking music I'm your girlfriend for God's sake!"

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