The Steinfeld Siblings (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n knows that Griffin has a crush on her but her heart lies with another Steinfeld.

Y/n POV:

"Baby, wake up, it's almost eleven." A raspy voice whispers in my ear before peppering kisses all over my face. I smile and grab Hailee's waist pulling her on top of me.

"Hi," I whisper, noticing the red tint that covers her face. I stare deep into her eyes before she tucks her head into the crook of my neck, nervous.

"Don't do that.." She whines while I giggle to myself.

"But I love seeing you all flustered." I joke, wrapping my arms tightly around her. I can feel her smile and I find myself smiling too. "Oh, babe, Griffin asked if we could hang out today, I said I would think about it because well y'know I wanted to check with you just in case I forgot something important, but you're at the studio for most of today right?" Hailee nods and sits up.

"Yeah I am, and of course, you can do whatever you want my love, you don't have to ask." She replies, caressing my face. I smile and nod.

"I know just wanted to double-check," I murmur, taking her hand and placing a kiss on the palm of it. Hailee smiles and places a kiss on my lips.

"Okay, I've got to get ready for the day."


"Dude, that is 100% cheating!" I shout as Griffin picks me up, easily kicking the soccer ball into the net. Peter laughs and shakes his head at us.

"She's got a point son," Peter tells Griffin with a shrug. Griffin grins at me and places me down.

"I think it's perfectly legal in the Book of Griff but that's just me." He jokes, poking me playfully.

"For the last time G, the Book of Griff doesn't apply to soccer we made that promise in 7th!" I protest, my arms crossed. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine, I won't pick you up anymore." He replies, finally giving in. I nod my head with a smile and slap his arm.

"You don't even need that advantage you're literally double my size." I point out. He laughs.

"You're 5'7, I don't remember being.." He pauses, thinking.

"11'4?" I offer with a cheeky grin on my face. He blushes and nods.

"See you're smarter too, I should be able to pick you up." He protests, continuing our previous argument that I thought was over. I see Peter smiling at us again and bite my lip pensively.

I'm not dumb, I know Griffin has a crush on me I mean it's pretty obvious. He's had one since 5th grade. Unfortunately (for him), I've never reciprocated these feelings, especially since I've been dating Hailee since the 8th grade. No one except for Cheri knows, only because she watched Hailee kiss me last year on New Year's when we thought no one was watching. Recently though I feel like Griffin has been trying to work up the courage to ask me out. I told Hailee and she just waved me off telling me that he won't try to do anything.

"Hey Y/n, can you help me for a second?" Peter calls me. I stop playing and nod, jogging over to him. "I need you to help me with something in the garage."

"Oh, dad, I can help with that," Griffin interjects with a smile. Peter shakes his head.

"No Griff, I need someone strong so y'know." He jokes earning a laugh from me. Griffin laughs too and rolls his eyes.

"Very funny," I start to follow Pete and when we get to the garage he turns around.

"Y/n, you're like family to me, you always have been so I'm going to ask you two questions and you're going to answer them truthfully," Peter tells me, his voice sounding stern. I gulp and nod my head.

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