SunKissing (H.S)

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Summary: Maybe you're the one, forever love

Hailee POV:

"Light drifting, sun kissing." Y/n hums softly as she stirs the pot. A small smile tugs my lips as I approach her sneakily.

"I take it you like my new song?" I tease, wrapping my arms around her waist. She squeaks in surprise, almost dropping the spoon.

"Don't do that!" She scolds me, putting the spoon back on its holder removing my arms, and crossing hers. I try to pout at her but I can't help but let a small creep onto my face. "See! You're not even sorry." She exclaims.

"I am sorry baby, I'm soooo sorry." I apologize throwing my arms around her shoulders. She giggles and pecks my lips playfully.

"Fine, I'll forgive you.." She decides wrapping her arms around me too. "Only because you said I'm 'the one'." She adds quickly. I blush and look down at the floor. I knew that she would hear that part but we never really talked about it.

"I meant that," I whisper, barely loud enough for her to hear. She scoffs and tilts my head back up.

"Meant? Well now I'm offended-" My eyes widen and I shake my head while she continues. "I mean if you don't think I'm the one anymore maybe I should just-"

"Nonononono!" I yell interrupting her and pulling her head down. Our lips crash together and she smiles into it taking control right away. I get pushed into the island and she lifts me up, carefully placing me on the counter.

"I know what you were trying to say, my love, I was just teasing you." She explains with a mischievous grin on her face. I slap her shoulder and frown at her.

"Don't scare me like that Y/n!" I whine, pouting down at her. She laughs and then kisses me. I run my fingers through her soft hair, tugging on her y/h/c locks. Our mouths move together in unison, slotting together like matching puzzle pieces. A soft whine leaves my mouth and she pulls away from me slowly, her eyes glowing with affection. I slowly slip down, off the counter, and smile at her.

"I think I love you, Hailee." She whispers, the playful tone to her voice completely gone now a remnant of the past. I take in her beautiful complexion from her y/e/c irises speckled with light green to her tanned complexion perfectly matching with her y/h/c that's now a little bit sun bleached from the California sun. I stay silent still raking my eyes over the woman in front of me. "Haiz?" She murmurs a tone of inquiry now filling her voice.

"I know I love you," I reply, matching her soft tone. Her face crinkles with adoration and she smiles happily her hands moving to cup my face. Her fingers run over my face and finally part my lips. Her faces inches towards mine slowly as if she was unsure of how to kiss me, usually I would grow impatient if she took this long to kiss me but somehow at this moment I just let her take as long as she needs to connect our lips. When her lips are close enough that they almost brush against mine I let out a little breath I didn't know I was holding in. Her soft lips touch me carefully before moving against mine with more confidence. Her thumb still stays under my jaw while the other tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. The kiss stays slow and passionate, instead of lust filled which usually is due to my horny ass. Delicately- as if she had never kissed me before -her tongue brushes against my bottom lip. I open my mouth to let her tongue in and wait for her to make the first move. Slowly but surely her tongue slips into my mouth exploring it languidly. The sensuality of it all sends my head spinning and one of my hands falls from her waist to grip the counter, steadying myself. Instantly her lips leave mine and she searches my eyes worriedly.

"Are you okay?" She whispers, sounding worried. I nod my head and then blush looking down. "You sure?"

"I am, it's kind of embarrassing but.." I trail off nervously and she cups my face again. "You make my head spin." Her eyes widen.

"I make your head spin? Like-"

"Like I love you so much it makes me dizzy." I interrupt her. Her lips tug into a smile and she tucks her head into the crook of my neck.

"I love you more Hails." She whispers wrapping her arms around me. Suddenly a sizzling sound catches my attention. "Shit the food!" She exclaims running over to it and pulling it off the heat. I follow right after her and grab a cloth for her. I turn on the tap and wet it before turning to her.

"I have a cloth," I tell her, offering it.

"Thank you." She replies gratefully, taking it out of my hands. I hum in response and she wipes away the spilled soup. Hopefully, this won't ruin her stovetop... "Luckily it should come off easily since we're dealing with it right now." She explains softly, noticing my worried expression. I nod my head and she pecks my lips quickly.

"That's good, I'm sorry for distracting you," I whisper. She frowns and lets go of the cloth, wiping off her hands before turning towards me.

"Hailee, baby, it's soup." She reminds me gently, cupping my pouty cheeks. "It's not the end of the world and even if it wrecked something I wouldn't care because I would trade away my whole house for a moment with you." She assures me. I blush and look down.

"I love you," I whisper, a smile growing on my face.

I can say it whenever I'd like now...

Her lips quirk up into a smile and she kisses me softly.

"I love you too."


"And with the release of your new single SunKissing everyone has been wondering who 'the one' could be, would you care to share on the topic?" The interview asks. A genuine smile on her face tells me she won't push if I choose to answer so I smirk mischievously.

"Hmm, well I don't know.. Is it really about someone?" I tease, making her let out a playful groan.

"C'mon Hailee, give us SOMETHING." She jokes. "Hypothetically, could it be about one of your 'closer friends' miss Y/n L/n?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow excitedly at me. I shrug my shoulders and laugh.

"Hypothetically speaking though.." I let my voice drop down and lean in as if I were about to let out a big secret. She leans in two and smiles at me expectantly. "It could be about anyone or no one." I tease, letting out a giggle and watching the interviewer's face fall.

"Well, there you have it, folks, she's a brick wall. We can go no further.. Thank you for tuning in and stay cool!"

The cameras flick off and I let a smile play on my lips as I envision Y/n watching my interview. The crew rushes in almost immediately, pulling the microphone off of my shirt and moving me towards my makeup room. As soon as I've collected all of my stuff I sit down patiently waiting for them to give me the all clear so I can leave.

Will she like my interview? I hope it's okay that I talked about her.. She never said whether or not I should confirm the rumors or deny them.

"Hailee, your ride is here." Someone calls to me. I pull myself from my thoughts and stand up unhooking the mic from my shirt.

My ride?

I glance around and watch people bustling around before I spot her. She smiles at me as she makes her way over and engulfs me in a hug. I quickly reciprocate it and lay my head on her shoulder.

"You were so beautiful in your interview." She compliments me as I pull away. I smile, blushing down at the ground as she takes my hand leading me through the crowd. I breathe a sigh of relief and pull Y/n back into my arms, she squeaks and then smiles. I pull her head down and kiss her softly melting into her touch and breathing in her perfume. When I pull back she pecks my nose and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure staring at us. Panicked I try and see who it is.

The interviewer.

She smiles at me and mimics locking her lips and throwing away the key. I breathe a sigh of relief and turn back to Y/n.

"How would you feel about telling the world about us?"


Hailee releasing music has given me the energy to write a cute little one-shot. I'll be posting the second part of Hate to Love you soon.

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