New Boyfriend, Fake News (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n is unaware that Hailee's "new boyfriend" is actually a PR stunt.


There are a lot of back-and-forth POV changes in this one so stayed tuned.

Y/n POV:

"Hey, have you seen the news?" Alyssa asks me as she flops down onto the couch next to me.

"No? What news?" I ask, putting down my phone and looking over at her curiously. Alyssa bites her cheek nervously and plays with her hands.

"You won't like it." She warns me. I pull her closer.

"You have to tell me whether or not I like it."

"Hailee has a new boyfriend."


I blink a few times and stare blankly at her.


"I'm sorry, I know you still like her and I really thought she liked you too Y/n. I'm sorry." Her words blur together as I take several deep breaths trying to wrap my head around the new information.

"Are you sure it's not just some rumor or something?" I ask, carefully placing my hands on my lap and clasping them so they don't clench into fists.

"There are pictures of them kissing, I'm sorry Y/n/n." I take another deep breath.

Well, shit.

"It's fine, it was time to move anyways. I shouldn't keep hurting myself by pining after some straight girl who's clearly out of my league." I admit defeatedly with a sigh. Alyssa shakes her head at me.

"First of all, Hailee isn't out of your league and she's not straight but even if she is she's not just "some girl" Y/n, she's your best friend."

"Whatever," I mumble looking up at the photos now displayed on my phone. Gross. "I'm going to go for a walk."

"No wait, Y/n, please just sit back down. I don't want to leave you alone." I pause and turn back to Alyssa, sighing.


Hailee POV:

"I'm just so done with this whole thing, I can't believe I signed that stupid contract it was so fucking dumb!" I exclaim in exasperation as I pace around the room, Griffin staring up at me apologetically.

"I know Hails, it sucks, but it'll be over soon enough, and then in a few weeks you can joke about it with Y/n or something." Griffin offers feebly. I pause and turn to look at him.


"Yeah, Y/n, your best friend in the entire world, Y/n." Griffin jokes snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Did you get amnesia for a second or something, sis?"

"Fuck, shit, goddamnit!" I yell, sprinting toward my phone, my hands reaching out for it.

"Hailee, what's going on?" Griffin calls, chasing after me.

"Y/n, I never told Y/n about the whole thing! What if she thinks it's real?!" I turn around to face him and he stares back at me with confusion.

"You never told Y/n?"

"No, we haven't been talking for the last little bit because I've been so busy and I've kind of been a shitty friend because of my schedule, we were planning to hangout last weekend when I was planning on telling her but I had to cancel and-"

"Hailee, breathe." Griffin's voice interrupts me. "This is Y/n, she loves you and she's your best friend. Talk to her, she's a very understanding person." I nod my head, take a deep breath and pull out my phone again.

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