First Kiss (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee were working on a small film way back in 2012 when something interesting happened..

Just imagine you're going to play Sue instead of Ella.


Y/n POV:

"Miss L/n, the directors have a chemistry test scheduled for you in.. Five minutes." My assistant informs me. "Page 45-46." She adds passing me my script. I nod my head in acknowledgment and find the page. I slowly read the page and my eyes widen.

"Isn't this the vicious make-out scene?" I ask quizzically, not glancing up. I finish the page and my assistant nods.

"Yeah, I mentioned it to you since the casting directors wanted to make sure you were okay with doing the scene and you said it was fine." She explains nervously. I try and recall the memory and shrug my shoulders.

"Okay, where am I supposed to meet them?" I ask.

"I'll take you there, it's room 115." She replies walking off towards a long corridor. I follow her and we reach a room with a large 'do not enter filming in progress and a '115' plaque above it. I open the door and my eyes fall upon a brunette talking to one of the directors. I'd recognize that voice anywhere.


"Y/n, you're here!" The man calls out happily walking towards me and shaking my hand. The girl turns around and my thoughts are confirmed.

It's her.

"Thank you so much for having me Richard, I appreciate it," I reply as I let go of his hand and smile at Hailee. Her face stares at mine and she seems surprised. She smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes, is she not happy to see me? I'm surprised but pleasantly so.

"No problem, oh and this is Hailee." I walk over to her and go to wrap my arms around her but she just extends her hand. I take it and push away the growing disappointment in my heart.

"It's been a while, Steinfeld," I murmur searching her eyes for any sign that she's happy to see me. She nods her head and looks away dropping my hand.

"Alright you two, let's go through the scene with the kiss," Richard calls to us. We nod and I let go of Hailee walking to the other side of the room.


"Hey, Y/n.." The young brunette called softly to her friend still playing with their fingers which were interlaced. The y/h/c girl lifted her head from the pillow it was laying on and the younger girl turned towards her.

"Yeah?" She replied matching her friend's soft tone. The brunette looked away for a couple of seconds and dropped her head slightly letting her shoulders fall a little bit.

"Oh um, never mind.." She mumbled feeling quite embarrassed that she would even think about telling Y/n her worries. The older girl removed her fingers from Hailee's hands and tilted her friend's face towards her once again.

"What's on your mind love? You know you can tell me anything." She whispered staring deep into the troubled hazel eyes of the girl responsible for her amorosity. The younger girl tried to look away again but Y/n's hands holding her face prevented her from doing so.

"You'll think it's stupid," Hailee replied after a few seconds of silence.

"I could never, ever, find anything you say stupid," Y/n assured her friend with a little more strength in her voice than expected. She simply wanted to understand what was making the girl she cared for so unhappy.

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