A Big Announcement (Please Read)

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Hey guys, how're you doing? I hope everyone's summer has been going exceptionally well.

Recently, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I started writing almost a year ago and I've built up a community of readers that I love. But I think it's time to let that go. I'm done writing. I've lost enthusiasm for it and I think it's time to let go.  I'm sorry to anyone that I'm disappointing, I truly have enjoyed the time I spent creating oneshots and even writing the start of a book. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. I'll be deleting all of my oneshots and probably my account. Hopefully, you all understand, I wish all the rest of you writers the best, I don't have anything left to say except, goodbye.

Farewell, my friends, Lily<3

Y'all I'm just kidding I'm so sorry don't hate me. Ayy but anyways, the reason I posted this big announcement is because I'm actually going to create a new oneshot book! It's going to just be a celebrity oneshots book filled with different characters that I would like to write for but don't want to dedicate an entire book to! Hope you guys will check it out when I post the first chapter and enjoy it. If you didn't stay to this point um shame on you ig, hopefully you don't think I'm really quitting. Lol. Just wanted to fuck with you guys<3333

Love ya!

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