Mine (H.S)

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Summary: Hailee hates it when people flirt with her best friend because she has a slight (major) crush on her, so what happens when Y/n and Hailee go try out a new club in town packed full of flirty guys and girls...

A/N: I'm back bitchesss

Y/n POV:

I hop out of the shower and quickly cover myself in a towel as the cool air attacks my warm skin, steam filling up the room. I check my phone for the time which reads 6:47pm. I start to dry off my body and speed up my pace as cold seeps into my body, extinguishing all hope of staying warm.

As I pull my now slightly damp towel back over my body my phone vibrates on the counter and I grab it clicking on a text message from my best friend.


Wifey<3: Hey love, just checking in we're still on for tonight right?

Me: Yup! I'll pick you up at 7:30pm at your place.

Wifey<3: Great, did you pre-order a valet driver or are we risking it tonight?

Me: I already booked us one, his name is Jared.

Wifey<3: Okay see you at 7:30pm!

Me: <3

I cross from the bathroom to my bedroom before pulling on the outfit I planned on wearing out tonight.

I cross from the bathroom to my bedroom before pulling on the outfit I planned on wearing out tonight

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Once I've adjusted my outfit to my preference I walk back over to my bathroom and check the time

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Once I've adjusted my outfit to my preference I walk back over to my bathroom and check the time. 7:53pm, alright that means I have around half an hour to do my makeup which should be easy since I'm not doing anything extravagant. 

Then after I'm done I'll go to pick up Hailee. After finishing my skincare routine and adding primer I start with liquid foundation, carefully blending outwards as quickly as possible while still taking much time as I needed. Once I finish applying foundation I move on to concealer, gently using it on the bags under my eyes, a bit on my nose and a of course on my forehead. As I apply the concealer I silently it in while blessing the skincare gods that I didn't break out and blend everything.

Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now