Suitors (E.D)

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Summary: When Y/n's parents decide to hold a house party to find a husband for her, Emily finds herself conflicted between her love for Y/n and keeping her best interests at heart.

Emily POV:

Looking back, I knew that I loved her from the first moment that I saw her, y/h/c locks bouncing up and down as she skipped across the street over to our house. She had knocked on our door with a covered basket in her arms, waiting patiently for someone to answer. I had stayed still, watching her from my window, waiting along with her for someone to open the door, but no one answered.

Then, with a sigh, I placed down my pencil and got up. I had made my way downstairs carefully, trying to find anyone else in the house on the way down so I could force them into helping her so I could evade social interaction, but it seemed empty. I walked into the corridor that led to the main entrance and opened the door.

"Hi there, my name's Y/n L/n, you might know about my dad, he runs L/n Railroads, we control all the railroads in Amherst but that's not really important. I came to deliver some muffins that I baked for your family since it's neighbor appreciation week." She had told me with a charming smile on her face. I remember feeling confused about how someone could seem so happy about such a simple thing as muffins.

"Neighbor appreciation week?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as she held out the basket for me.

"Yeah, it's a week I made up where each day I find someone who lives near me and find something that I could do to brighten up their day. I have a lot of time on my hands, so it helps me pass the hours." She had explained as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Thanks, I guess?" I replied awkwardly, taking the basket out of her hands and putting it on the side table.

"No problem, Ms. Emily," After that, she bid me farewell and skipped off, back to her house.

Never did I think that she would become my best friend and the main attraction of my amorosity.


Y/n POV:

"Em, do you think that this looks nice on me? I really want to aim to impress tonight." I nervously step out of the bathroom and walk back into Emily's room, twirling around for her so she can see the entire dress before staring at her expectantly. Her expression stays, almost dreamlike for a few seconds before she snaps out of it, standing up and walking towards me.

"Y/n, you look absolutely stunning. You're mesmerizing in this dress, I can't take my eyes off of you." Her words cause a blush to cover my cheeks, and I look down playing with my hands. I feel her finger slip under my chin, and I find myself staring directly into her gorgeous chocolate-colored eyes. "I'm going to say that again because you didn't believe me the first time, so you obviously need to hear it again."

"No, it's fine, Em-" I interject, knowing that if she starts to compliment me again, I might turn into a huge gay panic puddle.

"You look like the most beautiful girl in the world. Your dress compliments your eyes so well. It's honestly perfect." Her words hold such sincerity while also being firm, telling me I shouldn't argue with them. Like I would.

"Thank you, Emily," I whisper, feeling flustered because of how close our faces are.

"Just the truth, now you need to help me pick out something because I'm a lost cause when it comes to fashion." Emily complains, gesturing to the pile of dresses that she denied, causing her mother to leave the room in a huff muttering about how she was a 'lost cause'.

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